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Previously: I kissed their foreheads, and we basked in each other's warm embrace.

Four years later

Sunghoon's POV:
"I'm so happy for you both Jakey! Can't believe you both are finally thinking of another baby! Yunnie will get a sibling too!"

I was elated to hear this. Jake and Jay are thinking of another adoption, it feels like yesterday when they got married. Time surely flies by.

"Yah Jakey, I'm sure it will be fine you know, don't worry too much, it will be really good! And Yunnie will get another buddy to be with! How cool is that?" I assured him as he kept talking about how nervous he was.

''I'll visit y'all sometime, okie? And tell me how it goes alright? Uhm hmm, love youuu!" I hung up the phone and started preparing dinner for Won and me.

I moved in with him about a year ago, and we got married three years ago. It still feels weird to think about this- us ending up together, even ending up getting married. I still remember how fast he asked me out, to marry him. I was so shocked yet happy that I ended up crying a lot that day. It definitely wasn't really extravagant or something, cause I remember Jungwon had to leave for Thailand the next day, but I love it nonetheless, at least I am with him now....

I smiled as I looked at the plain silver band sitting on my ring finger. Jungwon is a total sweetheart. I mean, he looked so scary? But he's totally the contrary. The fact that I love the most is the clarity we have in our relationship. I smiled as I remembered our first night together after we moved in, it was something I held dearly in my heart.

He's actually a very outgoing guy, very talkative. Surprising right? But that's the real him- he slowly locked that in so that he could fight with pain, with betrayal, with loneliness and most importantly, with feelings. But now, everything is fine, that's all that matters.

The click of the door broke my train of thoughts, as I saw the person I love the most standing in front of the door, opening his shoes.

Our dog, Maeumi ran towards Jungwon and started licking him as he took her in his arms.

"Missed me?" He gave out a small bark as an answer, how cute.

"Welcome, Jungwon." He handed me over his coat, and gave me a dimpled smile.

"Thank you Hoon." He wrapped his arms around me and I tucked his head in my chest, giving him a chaste kiss on his lips.

"Go get fresh, I'll prepare the table by then, okay?" He nodded like a cute little kitten and left.

I went towards the table to serve our dinner, meanwhile, Jungwon came and took his seat.

"Wow, you just didn't cook all of that by yourself, cause the last time you did, you were almost burning the entire kitchen honey." I glared at him playfully and he started laughing, hands up as if surrendering.

"People learn okay?" He nodded his head and we started eating.

"You know, Jay and Jake are planning to get another adoption, he's planning to visit the orphanage with Jay soon, apparently Jay took a liking to one of the kids there." He gave me a smile. "I mean, they like kids a lot and are capable of taking care of them, so it won't be a problem." I started laughing loudly, as he shrugged his shoulders. "No, cause I said the same thing!!" "Great minds think alike love~~''

"Not gonna lie, I miss you and Jake Hyung being my managers, as it is Jake Hyung is on a leave and will join back soon, why did you have to quitttt?!" Jungwon whined and I stroked his hair lovingly, what a baby.

"Won, I really loved the job too but look at me, I'm doing pretty well too! I always loved kids so getting to work at a creche surely feels great!" He pouted. '' I'm jealous of those kids,they get to spend more time with you than your own husband, how is that fair???" He threw his hands up animatedly as I kept on laughing, so much that my stomach hurt.

"Jungwon-ahh, your new manager, Soobin-ssi, isn't bad himself right? I went to meet you one day and he seemed to be a very good guy, doing his job with passion!" I told him as I remembered my encounter with Soobin. He was Jungwon's manager for the time being, replacing me, and he was a very sweet guy.

"Yea Hyung is, but stilll, none can beat you Park Sunghoon-ssiiii" I shook my head. We talked about his photoshoot, as he told me about the latest contract he got from KBS network to emcee in their show Music Bank with Jang Wonyoung, another idol.

"What? That's so cool! Oh my god, Jungwon, I'm proud of you!" I went in and hugged him as he tried to wink, but failed miserably.

"Well... It's Yang Jungwon you know, babe." I nodded aggressively.

"Now, wash the dishes then, the great Yang Jungwon?" His face was taken with pure surprise- I was laughing so loud.

As I was about to leave, he held my wrist and pushed me against the table.

"Jungwon what-" He kissed me softly on my lips and gave me a smile.

"I'm not doing it alone babe, you're doing it too, please?" He gave me those cute eyes which made him look like a kitten, and as it is, I can't resist AT all.

"Alright" I wrapped my arms around his neck and rubbed our noses together. "As you please." He laughed, the sound equating to that of the angel's.

"Well, can the dishes wait? I'm super tired and I need some pampering here." He pouted as he snuggled up in my neck, rubbing his nose lightly against the expanse.

"Won stop, you know how sensitive I'm there right? It ticklesss!" I said in between laughs as he did it again, to annoy me of course!

"Uhm hmm, that's why I am doing it." He said, his voice muffled. "Shut up-" He nibbled on the skin slightly and kissed it softly. "There, done." He gave me a small smirk as I understood what he did there.


He kept dodging me. "Come here Jungwon." "Noooooo come and catch me hyungie~" He kept running.

As he reached the kitchen, I cornered him against the counter top. He looked at me with big eyes but started laughing. I kept staring, a smile making my way on my lips. He's so stunning, it feels unreal to be with him.

I softly pecked his lips and placed a long kiss on his forehead.

He looked at me for a long time, as I looked back at him. "Hyung, why don't we think of adding another member to our family too?"

I could see the fond look in his eyes. They were expectant, he wanted me to agree.

I grinned ear to ear. "Of Course love, it's high time we see ourselves as parents, the house does feel too quiet and lonely at times..." He latched himself to me like a koala and hugged me like there's no tomorrow, I hugged him back even tighter.

"Sunghoon, I love you so fucking much, thank you for bringing back the happiness I lost years ago back to me." I caressed his head as I said.

"I wouldn't know how it feels to be treated like an absolute angel, if it weren't for you Jungwon-ah, thank you." I whispered as he nuzzled further into my chest. I felt him grinning ear to ear. I closed my eyes, melting into it. This feels wonderful, the perfect life I wanted.


Word count : 1,298

Author's note: Guyss! Sorry for the late update :(( My exams have started so I'm really busy!!

This chapter is so far my favourite, this is so soft!!!! I love this. Also, Jayke and Sungwon are already married! Jayke getting another kid?!??@?!?@? Hahaha, are you guys excited? Cause I am!<3
Again, comment a lot, vote if you can and I love you all! This book is coming to an end, only two or three more chapters, and we'll be done. So, the ending shall be as sweet as you guys wanted!

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