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A/N: Amir name isn't Amiri, I'm just realizing I made that mistake in the last chapter or two

Amir is from this book
Amiri is from my other (self made)

Made the same mistake in 'self made' lol

Ok bye, enjoy. Excuse any mistakes 🫶🏾


Leilani woke up minutes before they reached her parents house. Since they were in the neighborhood, Amir turned the directions off.

The house was easy to find since it was in the center of a circle.

Leilani wasn't as tired as she was earlier, but another nap would do her justice.

She looked over at Amir while he was driving. He was seated back, and his hand rested on top of the wheel.

The most attractive way a man could drive in her eyes.

He cut his eyes at her, laughing a little to himself. "What?"

"Nothing...just looking." Leilani mumbled looking back to the front of her when the house came into view.

"Right here." Leilani said once the house came into view.

Amir pulled up into the driveway behind her dad's truck. Leilani got out of the car taking a nice, long stretch. The winter air blew in her direction. With her hair being up, the wind was cold on her neck. Her coat wasn't that thick either, even though it looked like it was.

Leilani heard the front door open. She looked in that direction seeing her parents peep around the opening of the door.

She chuckled to herself because they were so nosey, and not discreet at all.

Leilani walked up to them catching their attention. "Hey." she spoke.

"I thought you were coming tomorrow." Lisa said pushing her husband out of the way.

She hugged her daughter rocking side to side.

"I was, but you guys weren't answering my calls so I got a little worried." Leilani said pulling back.

Lisa patted Leilani's back. "The signal in this part of town has been horrible these past few days."

Leilani nodded since that happened sometimes.

Levi came down the steps after processing that Lisa pushed him with no care in the world.

They were too busy talking to even notice Amir or his car.



Amir kept looking over at Leilani talking to her parents while he grabbed her bags, and stuff out of his backseat.

He couldn't lie and say he wasn't nervous because he most definitely was.

Amir rolled two of  her suitcases up, along with a tote bag to where the family stood. Leilani smiled at him a little before turning back to her parents.

"Ma, daddy, this is Amir. We take a class together at school, and he's been helping me out for a while."

Leilani looked up at him. "Amir, these people are my parents...Lisa and Levi."

Amir placed the suitcases down when Levi reached his hand out to him to shake.

"How old are you?" Levi asked.

Amir laughed to himself already knowing what he was going to say. "I'm 24."

Levi squinted his eyes. "Are you sure? You look younger, but you're tall."

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