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The moonlight reflected off the few dew drops that started forming on the grass. Clara had missed how it felt to train in the cool night breeze; with the sounds of her weapons drowning out the chirps of hidden crickets and owl screeches. The damp grass had a relaxing aroma to it; allowing her to be more comfortable during training.

Now she was joined by over a dozen women and around seven teenage girls.

Clara was surprised at how fast they picked up everything she taught; perhaps it was their attention to detail that made them fast learners. They were focused on the tasks at hand and executed perfectly given the fact that it was their first time doing so.

"Now that you've learned how to punch correctly, I'll show you which areas to aim for." She spoke clearly, moving in front of them and motioning for the few women in the farther back to get closer to see better.

"Let's start with the nose." She tapped her nose. "It only takes a few pounds of pressure to break a person's nose, and it's very disorienting because the pain is excruciating; not to mention all the blood that would come out with it. It would also cause a temporary loss of vision because of the tears; which is the best advantage to have during a one-on-one confrontation." 

By now, most of the women had caught their breath and they were nodding along to what Clara said.

"If you need to knock someone out," Her eyes momentarily met with Kimberly's. "aim for their jaw or chin. The great thing about this shot is that you don't need to be too accurate to have the desired result. A strong enough punch to that area will cause enough brain trauma for them to lose consciousness. That's why we protect our heads most when we're holding our guard. One advantage we have as women is that we will be underestimated, so it's most likely your opponent won't have their guard up, making the job easier for you."

Over the years of being the only woman on the training field, Clara had learned how to use all the challenges she faced as advantages. She made sure to pass those tips on.

She continued to tell them about which areas to aim for during a fight such as the neck, the throat and behind the ear. She then moved on to other areas in the body.

"Another attack that can disorient your opponent greatly is the kidney." She lightly punched herself to show the area. "It hurts like hell if you can hit them here. If the chance ever arises to hit them there, take it without hesitation. They'll rethink their entire lives in that moment."

Another hour passed with them practicing the shots Clara had just explained to them; but of course she didn't let them actually hit and instead used a small hard pillow to hold for the girls so they can punch it. Clara placed the pillow in the areas she mentioned and made each woman punch them without inflicting any injuries to herself.

They had yet to gain a more powerful punch, but she noticed their precision which would come in very handy.

"Now let's talk about defense." A sweaty Clara smiled.

" A sweaty Clara smiled

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