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F1 🏎💨🏁

🐝 lover:
This is official scaring me. Who are you two and what have you done to the real max and charles?

I'm not questioning it.

Because it's finally been a couple of months since they fought?

One part of me is creeped out by how in sync and how much they get along but another part of me doesn't want to know because they will start fighting again.

🥛 boy:
It's freaky because when we invite then, they arrive almost all the time at the same time but they can talk for hours in a corner.

It's freaking me out too. Not once has Charles muttered an Italian insult at him.

He better not.

I almost caught them kissing.

Kissing? We never kissed.

I said almost!

🇫🇷 boy:
Really? Explains the amount of max merchandise in your apartment.

You have max merch?

No I don't!

🇫🇷 boy:
Non? So no red bull cap with a 1 on it? No white sweater with Max's logo? And no first place trophy of imola 22 in your living room?

🐝 lover:
Charles? Are you and max dating?

That would explain the teasing and new found relationship.

🧊 man:

🥛 boy:
Are they trying to come up with an excuse?

Would be cute if they are dating.

I can't get max on the phone.

Charles is not answering either.

Chill, guys! He's fine, freaking out but fine.

🇨🇦 boy:
This only proves our point more.

🐐 Goatifi:
I'm bringing a huge cake if they are dating.

Yes, we are dating.

For a while now, kind of since we made up.

🇫🇷 boy:
Wait what? Why didn't you tell us?

Because we didn't know how to deal with this and we wanted to figure this out without anyone knowing and could have an impact or influence on it.

What Charles is trying to say is that we're both completely new to this and trying to figure out how to be a couple without anyone telling us how to be one.

🥛 boy:
Hold up! Charles was the friend that came by when you cancelled on our party three days after you two made up!

I'm not one to eat canned up chicken soup, i like freshly made better but not the point. Charles found it in my storage closet and didn't look if it was overdue. He got sick, we cancelled and Arthur helped us lie.

Aww! That's so cute!

🐝 lover:
That's cute, max. But you two haven't fought since?

Surprisingly not, we actually agree on a lot of things. Which is odd because max doesn't understand french movies like i do but still we watch french movies when i like them.

At that point I'm not watching the movie. I'm more like watching you. Which is by far more entertaining then that movie.

🧊 man:
Two opposites living in harmony. Like you and i, seb.

🐝 lover:

🐐 Goatifi:
Are you gonna tell the world?

We're not ready, we want it to be just is for now.

We had a couple of weeks ago a heart attack when our teams had apparently been on to us from the start.

🐝 lover:
They know?

Yes, they told us there was a meeting and apparently they wanted to discuss this and stuff. So all is good, they don't care as long as we do our best at racing.

🧊 man:
We're glad they do.

We can go on double dates.

Anime 🇯🇵:

🇫🇷 boy:
Sounds fun.

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