Chapter 18

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"Then i would be really happy if you could attend."

He smiled while looking at her and said, "Ill think about it."

After tons and tons of preparations the day of the grand ball finally came, i was really impress on how well the maids did my makeup.

And after we departed all of my family looked fabulous even my auntie, and as we arrived at the ball.

I could see the crown prince of the neighbouring kingdom and the people that he came with, of course in the novel they weren't written as bad people so i think it would be fine.

As i minded my own business and went to get some wine unexpectedly someone approached me and said.

"Its an honour to meet the one and only famous lady of the Verdorous household."

As i turned around to respond to him my eyes widened, to think that the neighbouring Prince started a conversation with me first.

I bowed and lowered my head, "Greetings your highness, is it truly an honour to be recognised as one of the Prince from a neighbouring kingdom."

His name was Prince Alto Rigales Cerailo a person who has more of a lightskin feature with him, his eyes are colored green and his clothing is a bit revealing since its their type of clothing habits, he's really famous by the ladies but luckily he's not a womaniser.

"My, as the rumors stated you are truly no doubt as beautiful as they say."

He held my hand and gave it a kiss, i was quite startled but i realised that in this era of monarchy its normal for men to that for women.

I gave him a small smile replying, "I thank you for the compliment, your highness."

Also to think such a rumor spreaded that far is truly quite surprising to say the least, but truth be told in the novel there wasn't such a scene where he and i talked so this may have clearly affected due to my change of actions.


"Oh, its seems like the song for the first dance is about to start.", He bowed and reached out his hand and continued, "Would you mind giving me an honour to be your first dance my lady?"

I looked at him and thought, a dance wont hurt. So she reached out her hand to accept his offer, as she was about to touch it someone unexpectedly grab her wrist and pulled her.

She was shocked by the sudden action, as she turned around to see who it was her eyes widened she thought, Clayton?!

"I am sorry for my sudden rudeness your highness but lady luna already promised to have her first dance with me.", Clayton gave him a cold smile at the end.

"Is that so, i didn't know that the lady already had a partner, but may i ask who might you be?"

He bowed stating, "I am Clayton Alfonso the son of the late brother of the emperor."

He looked at him and thought, interesting i didn't know the late brother of the emperor had a child.


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