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Later that night Will and I were going by the resort, where they were holding a party for Team Swift. The dog in the sled starts barking at the loud music.

"Trust me buddy, it's not as cool as it looks." I pet his white fur.

"That's the one thing I don't miss." Will huffs into the cold winter air.

We park the sled back behind the sign and go for a walk before I head home. "Did you hear the news?" I ask.

"What news?"

"Team Swift is gonna be on National television." I stuff my hands in my pocket.

Will's mouth drops. "No way!"

"Yes way! I heard my dad talking about it last night."

"Well that'll be great exposure for them." Will says.

"For sure." I smile sadly.

"Are you sure you'll be okay walking home by yourself?" Will asks.

I glance up at my front door and then back to Will. He once again has a playful smirk splashed across his face. "You're hilarious."

"I try." He smiles. "You have a good night." He waves as I walk to my front door.

"Bye Will. Please text me when you get back to the kennel, I need to make sure the dog gets home safe." I tease.

"Will do." He winks.

I roll my eyes and shut the door. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a slight crush on my best friend. But I'd never tell him that. I go upstairs and take a long hot shower. Just as I'm about to get into bed I hear commotion going on down stairs. I huff and go downstairs. I am greeted by Kayla screaming her pretty little head off.

"I swear it was an accident!" I gasp when I see the security guard.

"Mom, Dad, what's going on?" I ask.

"Your sister broke the sign, with the Hot Doggers sled." My dad sighs as he holds the bridge of his nose.

My eyes widen as they dart to Kayla. "You did what?!" I exclaim. The door bell rings.

"Kamryn, please go get that." My mom sighs.

I go down the hall and rush to the door. I open it to see Will, my face immediately goes red. "W-Will! What are you d-doing here?" I ask as I scratch my head.

"What did she do?!" He seethes.

"I don't know! I just heard about it! I was in bed." I whisper.

"Yeah I can see that." He looks me up and down, lightening his mood a bit. "Nice jammies." I look down at my SpongeBob pants and blush.

"Shut up!" I hiss as we enter my living room.

"Once again, our sincerest apologies, and I truly appreciate you keeping this between us." Dad shakes hands with security.

"Mr. Morgan, I'll do whatever you want, since you own the resort. I'll just say I ran into the sign with my snowplow or something." He smirks weirdly.

"Great." My dad leads him out the door.

"I'm sorry." Kayla sighs as we turn to her..

"Don't apologize to me." Dad starts. "Apologize to Will. You broke his sled."

My sister sighs before turning to us. "Will, I'm really sorry. That was totally not cool of me, and I hope that you can forgive me." She turns to mom and dad and holds her hands up.

"Real sincere." I scoff. She turns to glare at me.

"Now, I'll fix the sign, but you're gonna have to pay for Will's sled yourself." Kayla's jaw drops. "Will's mom is our newest tenant here at the resort, and I betcha she could use an extra hand." Oh no.

"What do you mean?" Kayla asks.

"What he means is," my mom crosses her arms. "you're gonna work at the dog kennel every day after school."

"What?!" Kayla and I yell at the same time.

"Huh?" Will's face scrunches up.

"Dad! Anything but that! Kayla hasn't done an ounce of manual labor in her life." I turn back to Kayla. "Unless filing your nails counts."

"Dad, I don't have time for that!" She argues.

"Then you better make time, Kayla. That is unless you want to tell me who else was involved." We turn to look at her. She looks down and bites her lip. "No?"

"No." She shakes her head.

"How's 3:00 p.m. on Monday?" Will hesitantly nods. "Great. It's settled." Mom and Dad walk to their room leaving Will, Kayla, and I alone.

"Well, see ya at 3:00. Sorry to interfere with your busy schedule of shopping and spending Daddy's money." Will spits as he walks towards the front door.

Kayla scoffs. "You don't even know me."

"Oh, really? So tell me, what are you good at?
Besides accessorizing." I bite my lip at Will's comment.

"Um... First of all, accessorizing isn't just a skill, it's an art. And second of all, I think everyone knows that I shred major powder." She says proudly.

Will and I scoff. "That's overstating it a bit." I shake my head.

"Agreed." Will nudges my elbow.

"Excuse me?" Kayla gasps.

"I've seen you ride. You're decent, but sloppy. You don't finish your moves, and your transitions are weak." He argues.

"Then how did I make the Swift team?" She challenges him.

Will looks to me and laughs. "Is she serious?" He asks. I nod. He shakes his head and turns back to her. "Your daddy owns the resort." He turns and heads down the hall. I follow behind him.

"That has nothing to do with it!" She exclaims. "Yeah, walk away, doggy day care! Why don't you go find some poop that needs scooping?"

"Bye." Will waves. He looks over to me. "This is going to suck." He sighs.

"Imagine how I feel! I work at the kennel to get away from these people!" I whisper.

He nudges me. "And because you love me." He smiles teasingly.

"That too." I playfully roll my eyes.

He takes a step out into the cool air. "I'll see ya on Monday."

I smile. "Goodnight, Will."

𝐎𝐍 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 9 | 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang