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Three weeks, she lived all alone, crying for her mom, calling her out, hugging her pillow, namjoon did check out on her.

And namjoon didn't returned back to jay from the day he let go of y/n, as jay is searching her from that day, he shifted y/n into another apartment, away from their eyes.

Y/n didn't spared a word to him after she broke the hug, he does works under jay, but never went face to face with him, he lied to him, telling him that y/n ran away from him.

And jay didn't pushed the topic more, because he trusts namjoon and now he himself is finding y/n, and wanna kill her with his own hands.

Namjoon knows, that jay will find y/n, namjoon is scared for y/n, he himself couldn't understand why he is saving her, he have an unknown feeling inside his chest to protect her at any cost.

Maybe he has been through the same path where she is right now, he can feel her pain, he also used to call out his mom, asking her to save him, but she was no more, she couldn't hear him, couldn't hear his cries.

Y/n stepped inside her kitchen, now she can walk, making breakfast for herself, after she cooked, she sat on the dining table, having her breakfast, she glanced at the place beside her, watching the place empty, once there used to be her mother, where she used to talk to her.

But now she is all alone, in this apartment, she sobbed, eating breakfast, she wore jungkook's pajama as she didn't had any clothes with her, and jungkook gave his to her.

She stood up, washing the dishes, she walked back to her room, laying on the bed, she didn't realized when she fell asleep.

She changed her sleeping position, when she opened her eyes, glancing at the clock, nine pm, she sat on the bed, standing up, she opened the door of her room, she walked to the fridge, drinking water.

She was froze at her place, when she heard someone sarcastically clapping behind her, the glass of water fell from her hand, hitting the floor, breaking into pieces, she slowly shakily turned around.

Finding her father, sitting on the couch, with crossed legs, his presence itself creeped her out, even if he was far away from her, he stood up from the couch, walking slowly to her.

"Oh my beautiful daughter, you are looking more beautiful then before, that you are making my mans throw their hearts for you"He said, she walked backwards, hitting the kitchen counter.

"Now tell me what to tear first?, your nails or your skin?"He asked, she screamed out, grabbing a glass throwing it at him, the glass hitted his hand, he groaned, and she run away from the kitchen, hurriedly opening the main door, rushing out of the apartment.

He yelled behind her, she stepped out of the building into the road, when she was held in between, by two mans, and her father rushed to her, slapping her face harshly.

"YOU CAN'T LIVE BECAUSE YOU ARE BORN A DAUGHTER"he yelled, grabbing her chin, and pulling out a knife from his pocket, grabbing her hand, she screamed, struggling into the mas hold.

He grabbed her index finger, keeping the knife on her index finger's nail's edge, and tearing her nail, she screamed loudly, the mans palmed her mouth, her screams muffled, blood shedding from her finger, falling on the ground.

Her eyes shedding tears, she bite the palm of the man, and another's and she run away, blood dripping from her finger, she clutched her finger, running just like she has been doing all this time, running from monsters.

Her father followed her behind, dark seoul streets, she is running all alone in the dark alley, crying and screaming, running for her life, she doesn't wanna die from this monster's hands.

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