His Game

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I've always been good at solving puzzles, both big and small

But you were the hardest by far since you never wanted to play ball

You played your own game never telling me the rules

You enjoyed my confusion, you were always a bit cruel

But you masked it well as you sometimes let me win

Because my biggest prize was when you would finally let me in

However, my victories were small since you would always take it back

You would never let me keep what was supposed to be mine

No, you were only satisfied when it was my heart that was on the line

Because showing your cards would be scary

So you wanted me to go first

You hungered for my love and my desire for you, you could never quite quench your thirst

But then I would give in and you would be full

Drunk on content that I had given you another win

But don't you remember how you told me, that giving love for free is a sin

So you might have won and get to sleep as a champion at night

But I learned the game, so you will never win again if you ever want to go one more round in this ever lasting fight

Dear John: The Words I Could Never SayWhere stories live. Discover now