Chapter 30: Family Breakfast

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I woke to a tingling sensation running down my arm. My eyes fluttered open to see Jimmy sitting on the edge of the bed. He had on a hoodie and a pair of jeans. He must have not set an alarm again.

"Sleep well?" he asked.

"Yes." I dug the heel of my palm into my eye.

"Good, but you need to get up now."

I propped myself up on my elbow, and he leaned down to kiss me.

"We're going to Uncle Noah's for breakfast," he said. "You can meet the rest of the family."

"Okay," I said, leaning in for one more kiss.

I got out of bed and I put on the clothes that Jimmy had laid out for me. I was surprised to see that it was another dress. Jimmy must want me to look nice for the family. I slipped on the long black and white striped dress. There were no sleeves, so I rubbed my arms to try and generate some heat. Jimmy pulled out one of his sweaters and handed it to me. I slipped my arms through the thick warm sleeves.

When I was done, Jimmy grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. We went down into their living room. Emme and Taylor were sitting on the couch.

"Morning," Taylor said.

He got up off the couch, and he helped Emme stand. She stretched out her back and dragged her feet toward us. Jimmy had my hand in a tight grip.

"You ready to head to my Dad's?" Taylor asked.

"Sure," Jimmy said. "Let's go."

Taylor opened the front door, and Emme followed him out. Jimmy guided me along beside him.

Taylor opened the door to the truck in the driveway. Emme opened the back door and slid in, so I followed her. Jimmy sat in the passenger seat.

"So you're thinking about getting another house?" Taylor asked Jimmy as he pulled out of the driveway.

"Yeah," Jimmy said. "I am hoping to get one before Julie is pregnant."

I subconsciously put my hand over my stomach. It could soon be as large as Emme's. She hasn't been with Taylor much longer than I have been with Jimmy, so I should be pregnant soon. Jimmy must be thinking the same thing.

The truck shook violently as we drove over the rough road. Emme had her hand on the seat to keep her balance, so I did the same thing. It stopped my shoulder from slamming into the window.

The drive was short. I tried to ignore Jimmy and Taylor's conversation. If I kept listening to how I could be pregnant I would probably be sick.

When the truck stopped, I helped Emme get out of the backseat. I looked at the house to see it was larger than either of the houses I have seen. The dirty white paint was flaking off. A wooden deck was wrapped around the house. Long pieces of grass were sticking up from the gravel driveway.

A little boy, only about five-years-old, came running out of the house. He was skinny, and he had on a pair of jeans with the bottoms rolled up. His shirt had a picture of Spider-Man on it, and I wondered if he even knew who that was.

"Uncle Taylor!" he squealed as he ran down the steps. Taylor picked him up as soon as he came near, and I watched as Emme went into the house.

"Hey, Buddy," Taylor said. "You remember Jimmy, right?"

The boy nodded his head and a smile appeared on his lips. Taylor handed him over to Jimmy, and Jimmy balanced him on his hip. Taylor went into the house. Jimmy said something to the boy and he looked over Jimmy's shoulder at me.

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