1-the start

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Lando added 22 people to a group chat

Lando: hello f1 drivers

Carlos: hello lando

Lewis:oh no

Seb:I why am I here?

Lando:cus your like a mom to all of us


Seb:shut up max

Lewis:why was this created?

Lando:I was bored

Carlos:liar we was on a call and i told you to make a group chat as a joke

Lewis:oh okay

Kimi: how the fuck did you get my number

Lando:Carlos gave it me

Kimi: I said not to give people my number

Carlos:sorry please dont kill me


Kimi:I will not kill you well maybe

Carlos:should I be scared?


Daniel: hello everyone!🤠

Lando: hello Daniel!!

Daniel: who is even on this chat

Lando:every f1 driver

Daniel:but there is 20 f1 drivers and you added 22?

Lando: I added 2 retired f1 drivers I had to hunt the internet for one



Daniel:😁 yay


Daniel: nico do you wanna be in this group chat

Nico: yes but only if it doesn't get to crazy

Daniel:okay I will make sure it dont get crazy

Yuki:Daniel x nico

Daniel:shut up tiny child and when did you get here

Yuki:I got here when I was born


Gasly:good one yuki

Daniel:that was not good

Yuki:we will see who is not good when I beat your ass tomorrow

Daniel: oh yea you wanna bet


Lando: I bet on yuki




Lewis:I bet on Daniel




Thank you for reading and sorry this one was short

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