Silence/ Broken Silence ONE SHOT

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First time I ever wrote anything, so any grammar mistakes, if it feels weird, just cut me some slake 


Silence/Broken Silence. One shot.

I looked down at my shoes, remaining silence-not saying a word. It was no different, really! I haven’t talked for about six years. I couldn’t, I wouldn’t.

“Oak, look at me,” Cole ordered desperately, his voice laced with worry. I shook my head, not obliging, “Please, just let me help you, I want to help you.”

I kept my silence, as always. I didn’t want to communicate with the world in any way possible, I didn’t even text, write or through sign language. The only thing I did is nod, shake my head and try to communicate through eyes. Not even with my best friend in the world, Cole.

“Oakley, what happened? Did they do anything to you? Hurt you?” He asked softly, that’s the thing about Cole, always looking out for me, taking care of me and protecting me from bullies. The students who bullied the mute girl.

I felt sick every time they did. But I was too much of a coward to protect myself.

“Was it Julian?” Cole asked, and I shook my head a no.

I finally looked up at him offering a reassuring smile, giving him the ‘everything is okay’ look. I knew full well he didn’t believe me. It  wouldn’t be the first time. But still I always smiled, tried to reassure him, because I didn’t like Cole leaving his friends to stay with me, nor start fights to defend me.

I was grateful someone was looking out for me, although I didn’t want them to drop their lives to come to my rescue.

Even, if I loved that person. Cole was meant everything to me. He was my support system.

Sighing heavily, his shoulders sagged in defeat. I was glad he dropped it and smiled on last smile, hoping he would just leave it at that. However, I guess it wasn’t my lucky day.

“I can’t do this anymore,” He started in a small voice; I stared at his orbs which now looked sad and tired. What did he mean by this? “I always try to help you, but you don’t let me. Why?” His voice was starting rise a little, “I just want to help you, you know I care about you,” He pleaded his eyes wide, I suspected they were watery. Looking away from them, I couldn’t take it anymore, couldn’t look at his beautiful yet sad blue eyes.

"I know you do, just why you can't just let me in? Don't you trust me?" I looked away, not moving a muscle. All I wanted was to curl up and cry. But I couldn’t, so I stood my ground and waited.

“Again and again, I just try to defend you, to be closer. But you always shut me out. As if you don't want to be my friend. We've been friends for years and you still do it. I know it’s hard, so I just want to help. Just talk to me.” He finished sighing heavily; I just did what I do best, stayed silent.

Was that him giving up? Is it the day I knew would come, when he just had enough of me and I lose yet another friend? I didn’t blame him, he tried a lot to help me, to be there, which he always was, and he tried to be the greatest best friend, my only best friend since childhood. I was not exactly easy to be around.

I took a long deep breath, turned on my heels and walked towards the door, “So that’s it? You’re just leaving?” He wondered desperately, I looked back at him, my eyes filled with tears and nodded.

He looked torn, sad and defeated his eyes red. Not being able to look at him like that, I walked back to Cole giving him a soft kiss on his soft cheek, turned around and stalked out the room, not looking back.

Silence/ Broken Silence ONE SHOTWhere stories live. Discover now