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HermariATL, GA 📍

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2 months later

I was holding Sylvia's hair as she threw up in the bathroom,it's like everyday she wakes up to vomiting,she even wakes up at night just to go throw up.

"It's ok baby let it all out" I reassured her

"I'm fine babe" she coughed as she stood up to brush her teeth

"Alright I'll be right back,I'm going to the store" I smiled and I left her in the bathroom

I ran downstairs opened the front door and unlocked my car to get in and my phone was vibrating I picked it up to see Aunt Tina calling me.

Aunt Tina ❤️

" Hello" I answered

"Hey baby,where is my niece?" Aunt Tina asked

"She's in the house ,she just been vomiting" I said

"No wonder I've been having dreams of  fish swimming around,is my baby pregnant and don't lie to me boy" Aunt Tina laughed

"I don't know ma'am,I'm going to the sto to buy ha some pregnancy tests" I said

" I know she pregnant,when last did y'all have unprotected sex ?hmmmm? I've had these dreams for the past one week" Aunt Tina chuckled

"Last week Monday,I swear I pulled out " I said whilst scratching my head

" Alright,I'll be over there in 30 minutes " Aunt Tina said and she hang up

What's with these women and hanging up on me before I even say anything else. I reached the sto and got out the . I made my way inside and went to the aisle where the tests were,I got 3 boxes and decided to get myself an Arizona pineapple flavour. I went to the till to pay.

"That will be $15.20" the.man said and I gave him a 20 and told him to keep the change and made my way to the car.I got inside and left the sto.

I reached the house and I parked the car into the garage and ran inside the house and found Sylvia eating pickles with chocolate ice cream.

"Why you eating pickles with ice cream?" I asked as I put the tests on the kitchen island

"I was craving it, you want some?" She pouted as she held out a pickle coated in ice cream

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