♡ 5 : Just Taehyun and Yeonjun ♡

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* Again ALL photos are from
pinterest, and this is just Taehyun and Yeonjun talking and getting to know eachother and making plans so you dont have to read this chapter *


- In Yeonjun's and Taehyun's private messages -

@tae-munk :
Are you really ok with meeting me?

@pinkie~Jun :
Yea! I trust you!
Wait, I trust everyone in the groupchat its just that I trust that you would be more okay with meeting me and wouldn't ask questions...

@tae-munk :
Well thank you
I trust you also
But if we were to meet what do you want to do?

@pinkie~Jun :
Idk, maybe we could meet at a Cafe our something and then go to the mall and hangout?

@tae-munk :
Yea that sounds good!
What Cafe tho?

@pinkie~Jun :
Oh, I work at this cute cafe called Star Cafe in Seoul!
Maybe we could meet there after my shift and get some food?

@tae-munk :
Yea, I've heard of that Cafe, it opened not to long ago right?

@pinkie~Jun :
Yea, I loved some of their drinks when it opened so I stopped by a lot and they were looking for workers and I needed a job and they payed good so i took the job!

@tae-munk :
Oh! Maybe you could show me some of your favorite things!

@pinkie~Jun :
Maybe! But when do you want to meet?

@tae-munk :
What days do you work?

@pinkie~Jun :
I work on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm!

@tae-munk :
Ok! Then maybe on October 13? I'm out of school that week for fall break

@pinkie~Jun :
Ok yea that works! It's a Thursday, right?

@tae-munk :
Yea! But how do I know what you look like?

@pinkie~Jun :
I'm the only staff member that has bright pink hair so it should be easy!

@tae-munk :
I forgot you have pink hair!
I still think that's cool, I've always wanted to die my hair but my parents would kill me!

@pinkie~Jun :
Thank you! Maybe you should try dieing your hair some time, I'll help you with it! 🤗

@tae-munk :
I guess I could and I would like for you to help me because I could never do that by myself!

@pinkie~Jun :
Yep! So we're meeting next week, right?

@tae-munk :
Yea, I hope so! I'm looking forward to seeing you!

@pinkie~Jun :
I'm looking forward to seeing you also!
Oh, yea we probably shouldn't tell the others

@tae-munk :
Yea, we probably shouldn't
I don't want a possessive Soobin on my back!

@pinkie~Jun :
And I'm sure both of us don't want a jealous Bemogyu!

@tae-munk :
Yea, I don't want a jealous Bemogyu because we would never hear the end of it because of Soobin...

@pinkie~Jun :
Yea, so not telling the others?

@tae-munk :
Yep, not telling the others!


Ok that's the end of this chapter and yes this is the shortest chapter but I said that it would be a short chapter! I have already started to work on the next chapter so you all should be getting that one soon!

Today's Meme :

Today's Meme :

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Words : 532

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