76. End of the Event

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A/N: I personally find this chapter a liiiiiitle boring but managed to add some moments for Inumaki and the Tuna. 

As we're coming to the part where the story ends in the anime, I will start to derail from hereon. I have not read the manga, and in order to not attract unwanted burns from readers who are not an avid fan of spoilers (You know who you are in the comment), I'll just go full on fluffs and short chappies for Inumaki and his Tuna, back to how this fic first started.

That is, if they can get anymore fluffier than this <3.

Thank you for enjoying this story. I really appreciate the comments. 

Look at that art of Inumaki extending his arms to youuuuu~~~ 


The next event was the baseball competition. Maguro heard from Gojo that he had done some tweaking in the box so that they only have baseball as an option. He then winked at her and put one finger to his lips in a 'this is a secret between us' motion.

Maguro grinned widely and nodded frantically. This is a brilliant competition to have. Easy win for sure.


Or not.

Not until she saw Nishimiya Momo caught the ball mid-air using her stupid broom.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Maguro pointed a shiny gold and silver giant pompom at Momo, who had nonchalantly floated herself further away from the angry crowd.

"Okaka!" Inumaki chimed in response. Fushiguro had to explain to them that an outlier was permitted due to the lack of players. It definitely wasn't fair game in a normal competition. But then, none of what they are studying and doing is normal anyway. So, the same would go for any kind of competition they hold.

"Then we shouldn't even pick this game as competition!" Maguro snapped her head and glared directly at Gojo.

He gave two 'ha ha's, then turned back to the game, leaving Maguro seething down with her pompoms.

Maguro couldn't join the game due to her value to the school and to the Jujutsu World. But she was allowed to join in as a cheerleading girl. Despite being the only one, Maguro's getup of short sleeved white cheerleading shirt, white skort and her shiny pompoms.

When asked where she got that outfit. She told them cheerfully, "Gojo-sensei got it for me. Don't I look good in this?"

Everyone gave Gojo Satoru 'the look'.

Next on, Inumaki Toge.

Maguro was beyond excited when its finally his turn on the pitch ground. She waved her shiny pompoms energetically and bounced around the bench sides with a wide smile on her face.

"Go, go, Inumaki! Go, go, Tokyo!" Maguro cheered happily and repeated, pompoms in the air. Her wearing a white skorts while bouncing around in places had drawn unnecessary attention – and distraction – from Kyoto's very own Noritoshi Kamo-kun.

The Third Year from Kyoto is ever mesmerized by Maguro's every move.

When Itadori cheered for Inumaki to 'Take them down, senpai!', Kamo snapped awake and looked around frantically, recalling where his position was and which side to lookout for the ball.

Inumaki had hit the ball and started his homerun, and by the time Kamo got the ball and thrown it at Mai quicky, the Cursed Speech user has touched down on the base cleanly.

Tokyo scored one more point.

Sister School Exchange Event

Second Day's Baseball Competition

Tokyo – 2, Kyoto – 0

30th Annual Exchange Event

Winner: Tokyo

With the winning score announced, both Principal from both side of the college announces the end of the event. The event ended with a celebration. As this is a sister school exchange event, despite losing the year's event again to Tokyo, none of the students in Kyoto side have hard feelings for their sister's school. They've experienced near death experience with a Special Grade Curse and lived to tell the tale.

Not everyone gets to have that kind of luck in the jujutsu world.

Everyone had fun at the cafeteria that night, where the college staffs have cooked up a massive party meal of chicken wings, fried noodles, stir fried beef and of course, desserts. All of them dived into the food with gusto and stayed up late into the night before retiring for the night to pack up.

The arrangements are that Kyoto side is going to go back the very next day, around the same time where the Tokyo side plans to depart from the college for the holiday week at Inumaki's house. The night passes by quickly, and in the morning, everyone dragged their luggage out of the college grounds.

Inumaki had moved his luggage to the front, awaiting the First Years to appear with theirs. Not seeing Maguro's pink retro luggage anywhere, Inumaki went back to the Second Year's dorm and found Maguro's room sliding door open.

Maguro is indeed in her room, looking at a picture she has stuck on the inside of her wardrobe's door.

Inumaki never saw any family photo in her room. He guessed that she might not want to feel sad whenever she saw their photos, hence the pictures are kept out of view.

But this time, he saw them.

There were many pictures of happy people stuck randomly on the wardrobe door. He assumed they were her family, and in the middle with flower and hearts shaped shiny stickers stuck on a picture, was her in her school uniform and her parents standing proudly behind her, holding onto her shoulder affectionately.

Her mother was a very beautiful woman. Maguro is undoubtedly the spitting image of her mother, with the exception of having her father's eyes. Her father had on a warm proud smile, with a dimple on one side that Maguro had as well when Inumaki caught on her whenever she smiled at him in a certain angle.

"Otou-san, Okaa-san," Maguro whispered, fingers brushing their faces affectionately on the photo. "I'll be leaving for a week. I'm going to Toge-kun's house to stay for the Summer Holiday. I'm going to be fine, so don't worry about me."

Maguro closes her wardrobe door gently and turned around to find Inumaki standing at the doorway to her room.

He didn't say anything. He knew she would feel a little down from this holiday, seeing as this is the first time she is living through the year without her family. First time joining a new school without her parents at her sides, first time celebrating festivals without her family, and first time never being able to go home and see her family again for the Summer Holidays.

And this first time lasts forever.

Maguro swallowed. She didn't want to feel sad anymore. Just that... just that...

She misses them sometimes. Misses the way they worry at her, fret at her, fusses at her. Missed their voice, their warmth, their laughs.

Inumaki felt her feelings through their connection bond.

Spreading his arms to his sides, he called her through their connection.

"Come here, baby love," Inumaki said to her, inviting her into his arms with his palms up, his eyes twinkling with a smile.

Maguro smiled gratefully at him, that exact copy of a dimple appeared on one side of her lovely cheek as if winking at him and threw herself into his arms.

"I'm so glad I have you, Toge-kun," Maguro mumbled into his shoulder, hugging him tightly just as tight as his arms around her. "Thank you," she said to him, rubbing her face into his shoulder, inhaling his scent that always made her feel so safe. He lifted her off the ground a little, earning a giggle of laughter from her. Easily cheered up, Toge, releases her and ran the back of his finger down her nose tenderly.

"Me too," Inumaki said, lifting up her hand to kiss the tips of her fingers. "Me too."

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