Chapter 12

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Date: 17/11/22

You have to be odd to be number one.



Anurag and I were now in a room sitting where Rashid would be brought in. We were eagerly waiting. We had placed all our 'instruments' on the table.

Just then a police officer came in with Rashid Ali. He had neutral expression on his face which is very familiar to me. Terrorist often try to make us believe they are in some trance with such expression to you know dodge questions at the interrogate.

"You can start now sir ma'am."

"Thank you." Anurag said.

Police officer went out.

I sat in opposite chair from Rashid, Anurag sat adjacently.

"So Rashid how are you? Are you liking your new house?" I asked.

"You mean the house for just few more days right? Because my men have already started preparing for taking me out of this fucking hell."

"Well, you are right this is just for few more days. After that you are gonna be hanged to death. Then the actual hell will be your house forever."

"I don't have time to waste on your useless talks." He said. How dare he?

"Why? Do you want to plan another attack? Just shut the fuck up, answer when we tell you to."

"Oh I didn't see this young man. Couldn't handle me alone so brought this fellow right?" He asked a question which infuriated me.

So I did what we normally do on such interrogation. I took a instrument basically a cutter. I inserted his middle finger inside that machine.

"Madam no. No. Don't do this madam. No." He started pleading.

Anurag smirked at me. He was enjoying this.

"Rashid you know my temper right? Then why did you ask me such question." Saying I pressed the two sides of instrument which literally cut his finger in two parts.

Rashid's scream wouldn't be heard outside because this room is sound proof, but if it would have been it would scare hell lot of criminals.

"Madam!!!" He was crying like a child. Bloody bastard.

"Now I think you will answer us nicely. Tell me where did you do planning of Amritsar base camp firing?"

He wiped his tears, made a straight face and said, "Do you think by cutting one finger of my hand I will tell you everything? Or anything? Highly mistaken madam."

This fucking asshole. He isn't going the easy way. I looked at Anurag asking what to do next? He nodded and got up from his chair.

"Hi buddy, remember me? I was the one who interrogated you, shot you, tortured you at Amritsar camp?" He asked Rashid while going at the back of him.

"You are the guy? Sorry don't remember so many people have shot me, interrogated me, tortured me... but here I am fit and fine."

The moment Rashid completed his sentence, Anurag gave a big hit to his right shoulder. I haven't given such hits to any criminal nor I have seen anyone giving such huge hit to anyone. Maybe it's the Army thing!

I'm sure Rashid's shoulder must have been dislocated to extent which cannot be repaired.

Again room was filled with Rashid's scream.
It was 3 hrs of interrogation which led us to him surrendering himself completely. He told us where they planned everything, who was his boss, from where did they get the weapon, since when they were planning the attack, how many more attacks they had planned, where and when and much more.

After interrogation and torture, Rashid is left with 7 fingers on hands, 8 on his feet, one dislocated shoulder, right hand broken wrist, two teeth fallen. Yes.

"Akash thank you. It was a successful interrogation. I will let you know the court dates."

"No need to say thank you. You are my friend, and this criminal needs to be punished. But if you want to say thank you, Shruti can we go just on one date? Please."

This is what I was dreading for. Luckily Anurag is on phone. Anyways I am going to tell him about Akash. But yet I haven't told him.

"Akash you know I............" I really didn't know what to say. But my saviour Anurag came to help me.

He came and wrapped his hands around my arms protectively. I loved the feeling.

"Shruti, let's leave. Manager of Taj called me. Reservation for our date is done. Come on love." Anurag said looking straight in my eyes.

I couldn't stop looking at him. Whatever he lied just shocked me. I wasn't able to process anything.

"Shruti?" He called again.

"Yeah. Yes. Our date. I'm sorry Akash. We have to leave. Thanks again." I looked at Akash who was even more shocked than me. It was obvious.

"Of course. Bye Shruti. Bye army man." He said to us but he was clearly displeased with Anurag.

We left the jail, with Anurag's hand still wrapped around my shoulder.

We were now seated in his car. I was waiting for him to end his call with Akshay, his friend.

"Yes tomorrow lunch sounds good. Msg Manasi." Saying he hung up.

I was looking at him the whole time. How he pulled of that stunt inside so easily..

"So madam, happy with the interrogation?" He asked me.

I smiled widely, "Yes very. Thanks for the help. I know you will say no need to say thanks, it's my duty. But it meant a lot to me."

"Then you are welcome. I'm glad I could be helpful to you."

I remembered what he said about the date thing.

"And yes thank you for saving me from Akash situation. He was actually asking me out on a date."

"That...... I heard your conversation. Sorry for that. But I couldn't help myself from intervening. How can he ask you out when I'm there? Sorry if I made you uncomfortable in any way."

"What? Are you mad? I'm- I'm comfortable with you Anurag." I said truthfully.

"Happy to hear that. So let's head to Taj?" He asked as we got on roads.


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