Chapter 28

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"Hey, Reo," Nagi spoke, "How many goals till we switch?"

"Hm? Oh yeah! I think you've done enough. Most of 'em look broken already." Reo glanced at you.

"Great! Real great~! Finally something fun to do!" Bachira smirked.

You smiled, knowing that you and Bachira passed the vibe check. Either that or you were both psychopaths.

"When you're at the lowest you can get... why not gamble everything on the chance at gaining a foothold?" You smiled, "the only thing we can lose is time."

Bachira's smile widened, "She gets it! So, as long as we're super special, we can do this!"

Bachira quickly ran forward and conducted some tricky maneuvers. After he progressed, he passed you the ball in which you gladly took as you sprinted to team v's goal.

Thats when you decided to show off a bit, after all, it's just a 3 on 1 battle! You then made it appear as if you were going left, making the men follow you, fully turned in that direction. Once you were close enough, you quickly grabbed the ball with the tip of your foot and rotated it to a counterclockwise spin as you twirled past the defense. All that was left now was to outrun them to the goal, and that would be easy.

You got within shooting range and used just enough power to kick the ball right over the goalie's shoulder.

You gave bachira a high five.

"Hey hey! Y/n let's do that again, but this time i wanna be the one scoring!" Bachira cheered.

"Bet! And i'll make you look super flashy with a few roulettes!" You smiled.

You swore you heard nagi mutter "impressive" behind you. But alas, his voice was drowned out because of your and Bachira's cheer.

Of course, that goal boosted team Z's morale. You smiled knowing that the main goal was achieved.

"It seems that we have to finish them for good now.." Reo spoke.

Authors note: sorry about how short this chapter is! I'm in a rush right now, so i'll go on and give you the QOTD! Qotd: what made you watch/read blue lock? For me it was because of my obsession with sports anime! See yall tomorrow! (Written on Oct. 20, 2022. 22:11 or 10:11 p.m.)

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