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"YES, LIEUTENANT?" MONICA LOOKED up at Bradley who, after seeing the results written on the blackboard of their classroom, had gained an accentuated red of fury over the sweaty scarlet of his face, coming naturally from way too many hours of training. What most of them had heard about Vampire in Top Gun were mere rumors, but her work ethic of being strangely alright with restless, long flight hours surely had some truth to it. She was a menace.

However, that craziness was something they've all enjoyed to some extent. What Rooster disagreed entirely with however was her way of judging their performance, which became the reason why this tall young man towered his shadow between his team leader and the window walls, keeping his posture straight and waiting to be allowed to speak in order to look down and release what he hoped was a tamed version of the storm he held inside. 

Monica still bathed in the aftermath of a well spent lunch break, though another six hours of overseeing the training of her team had supposedly washed over her since then with the cold chills of drawing some very dangerous conclusions about her options. Since Pete decided to stay, at least until some Admiral realized unauthorized personnel was witnessing this exercise, Monica kept her comments to a minimum and only told her assistant when and where to deduct points. 

It were a quiet six hours between them, not because Pete had nothing to say or did not wish to point out from time to time just how absolutely ruthless she was in a position of command -it may even have been half a joke considering how he saw her grade-, but because he knew to read concentration on her features. She was focused and thinking not for one pilots but three at once in order to anticipate maneuvers and deduce whether or not what was happening out there fit her experienced and theorized best case scenarios. 

Frankly, Pete did not want to bother. He just... wanted to be in her presence a little longer; now that his sunglasses were tucked again to one of his jacket's pockets, it felt like they had lost their made up reasons to spend time with each other, which could only mean that the reality of being simply friends would slither in between them with a chill that he personally disliked. It was the first omen out of a bunch of dominos ultimately leading to not seeing her once more, perhaps until either of them would wind up in a casket. 

His mind threaded the chilling macabre with a shiver while he watched Monica do her job and he too had been a bit disappointed to see Bradley's score get lower, however, he did not expect the boy to be outraged enough to come forth about.

"There is a mistake with my score," Bradley replied to Monica's rather absent smile, the fatigued one seeking the company of her friend rather than that of her team. At least, and she considered that something good, Luca Marsh finally left the room, giving her a break from keeping that pristine impression of herself.

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