Laundry Day

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[The chapter Begins with The Titans In a Destroyed Jump City Fighting a Giant slime monster]

[Cyborg flys up into the air Firing a multitude of missiles only to have no effect, the rocket are redirected back to him Cyborg dodges most of them he's then hit from behind sending far]

[Raven is next to go, Flying high Raven lift up 4 Cars with her magic Bringing them down on the creature just to be consumed, She then Summons some swords stabbing the slime monster only to also have no effect and is knocked back with shards of the swords]

[StarFire fires a beam of Green energy, only for it to be consumed by the slime monster like soup, The monster throws up in stars direction sending her into a wall covered in slime]

[Beast goes next, turning to a gorilla He jumps towards the monsters heard attacking it only to to be bounced back to the ground]

[(Y/n) is seen falling down towards the monster thanks to Raven, he stabs the monster with his weapon hooking onto it, but doesn't stay for long because Robin had thrown a explosive Birdarang Causing the monster to exsplode]

ROBIN: Yeah! [Robin celebrates only to get the entire team coverd in slime]

[Cut to the Titans now entering the Tower still covered in slime]

RAVEN: Great idea, Robin. Blowing up the slime monster.

ROBIN: It was either that, Raven, or the total destruction of Jump City.

[Raven then uses her magic to freeing everyone of the Slime spreading it every]

STARFIRE: Look at us.We're covered with smelly, evil, space goo.

BEAST BOY: It's even in my nose. [He picks his nose]

CYBORG: Not part of the slime monster, Beast Boy.

BEAST BOY: Oh. [He wipes the buggier on Cyborgs arm then turns into a cat running away]

ROBIN: Our costumes were due for a major washing anyway.

STARFIRE: But whose turn is it to do this most dissagreeable of chores?

[(Y/n) and Raven stares at Robin who stares back]

ROBIN: Uh, you know, they're not that dirty.

BEAST BOY:[who's being held by Cyborg] What's a couple more weeks without soap?

[Cyborg smells Beast boy before going into shock dropping him and then dying , who is then saved by beast boy who sucks up his soul into a vacuum then opens his chest plate to find a vacuum port, Beast Boy activates the exhaust Bringing Cyborg back to life]

BEAST BOY: Okay, someone is gonna have to wash them.

ROBIN: And there's only one fair wait to decide who.

(Y/n): You mean, go by the chores list?

[Raven brings out a chores list that says "This week: Robin's turn (no excuses)" which is grabbed by Robin who then blends it and drinks it]

ROBIN: What chores list?... The only way to decide is by a series of epic contest, where the losers has to clean our clothes. Titans Go!

{a/n: im just gonna be lazy and skip this and get to the results}

ROBIN: Ahem. After compiling the results, it looks like the Teen Titans stuck with laundry duty are... Raven and (Y/n).

RAVEN: It was supposed to be your turn, Robin.

ROBIN: I have no idea what you're talking about. [Burps out the chores list then hides it behind his back]

RAVEN: Really? Okay, then We'll need your clothes.

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