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"Soooo, did she say yes?" I asked Cedric as we studied in the library the next day. 

Cedric smiled, as he looked up from his book. 

"Yeah, um she did." Cedric replied. 

"Woooohoooo!" I cheered out. 

Which was followed by several people 'shhhh'ing.

"Now, who are we going to get to go with you?" Cedric cocked an eyebrow at me. 

"I've already got a date to the dance." I spoke proudly. 

"Yeah, who?" Cedric asked. 

"Fred Weasley asked me, we're going as friends.  Hermione is going with Victor." I smiled as I spoke. 

"Good, we will have a great time.  But we better get going to herbology. Otherwise we will be late." Cedric closed his book, and stood up from his chair.  

"Can we just skip?" I begged. 

"No, we can't." Cedric chuckled. 

We made a quick walk to herbology, where we took what ever empty seats were left. 

"Now, that we have gotten past the basics... for the remainder of the year you will have assigned seats." Professor Sprout announced, which caused the whole class to leat out unenthused groans. 

"Now, I will read your assigned seats.  The person that you sit by at your table, will be your partner for the rest of the year." Sprout smiled, and began reading off the list of names.  

She read through just about the while class list, and got to the last remaining table.  

There were only two people left. 

"Draco Malfoy, and Courtney Stewart." She said, which concluded the seating chart. 

Of course I would have to sit next to Draco Malfoy for the rest of this year.  

At least Cedric sat at the table next to us. 

I shot Cedric the 'kill me now' look, he had a little smile on his face. 

Draco Malfoy and I slowly walked up to our table.  

We both locked eyes, staring at each other. 

His icey blue eyes took every inch of air out of my lungs.  

What was happening to me?

"Hurry now, take your seats." Sprout broke both of our trains of thought. 

Draco and I quickly sat down next to each other. 

"Now, open your books up to 184 and study the flower rose.  Feel free to converse with your table partner, get to know how each other works. " Sprout spoke to the class. 

I opened my book to page 184. 

"Ugh, what a square you are." Draco huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, and leaning back in his chair. 

"Huh?" I asked. 

"A square? You know, goodie two shoes." Draco spoke again. 

"Says who? At least I don't have to buy my grades, Mr. Daddy's Money." I fired back. 

"Says me, that's who.  I never see you at any parties, I never see you sneaking out." Draco raised his eyebrows at me. 

Why is he all of a sudden interested in what I do with my free time?

"I was at the Hufflepuff party last week.  I literally saw you there." I laughed. 

"I didn't see you there, but you want to know who I did see?" Draco asked proudly.

"Regardless of what my answer is, you're gonna tell me anyway." I groaned as I skimmed the page on rose's. 

"This beautiful looking girl.  She had this little black dress on, and a dark, bold.... eye thing going on.   I talked to her all night.  We really hit it off, well.... until we both got to drunk to stand.  I didn't catch her name, she must be new." Draco smiled, as the memory replayed in his head. 

I turned my head toward him, and stared at him. 

Draco's eyes grew wide. 

"Merlin's beard, what happened to your face?! It looks much worse than it normally does." Draco gasped. 

"I fell... down some stairs." I quickly responded. 

"I've pushed several people down the stairs, and they didn't look that bad." Draco let out a light chuckle. 

"Pssst, Draco!" Cedric hollered to get his attention. 

Draco leaned in closer to Cedric. 

"You can't just ask people what happened to their face, bud.  It's really none of your business." Cedric told Draco. 

Draco nodded, and leaned back over to me. 

Draco leaned in close. 

So close, that his soft lips grazed the skin on my neck. 

"I'm gonna make it my business." Draco whispered in my ear.  

I swallowed hard, as my pulse quickened. 

Draco slowly back away. 

"So, what's your favorite flower?" Draco changed the subject.  

"I... um.... a rose I guess, but the black ones." I sputtered out. 

"Why not the red ones?" Draco asked me.  

"I just like the black ones better, maybe because they are different.  What's you're favorite flower?" I asked him. 

"Don't know, but that's a stupid question." Draco replied. 

"I literally asked you the same question that you asked me." I argued. 

"Whatever.  There's a Slytherin party Friday.  Come, or don't.   Wear a mask and something hot.... if you can afford it." Draco spat. 

"Why a mask?" I asked him. 

"It's the theme." Draco replied. 

He turned his head to Cedric, and whispered to him. 

"Slytherin party, Friday, wear a mask." 

"I'll be there." Cedric smiled. 

If Cedric was going, that meant I was going too.

What am I getting myself into?

Mr. Daddy's Money - Draco Malfoy/Fred Weasley/OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt