Dirty Rebecca

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"Aunt Beckyyyy!!!!"

Rebecca awoke to hear the muffled sound of DJ's voice coming from somewhere downstairs. The tired mother turned over onto her side, trying to pretend that she did not hear her niece calling for her.

"Aunt Beckyyyy, Uncle Jesse is on the phone for you from Japannnn!!!!" Donna Jo's voice sounded throughout the house again.

That woke her aunt immediately and she sat up in the bed, yawning with a stretch before she stood up in her white pajamas with blue pin stripes vertically placed on the top and bottom. She was standing for about thirty seconds before the thought of hearing her husband's voice gave her a boost of energy and she happily started to rush down the attic stairs and then made her way down into the kitchen to take the telephone from her niece and place it up to her ear with a smile. "Hi, honey." She said excitedly.

"Hey, Beck. I've got news. Great news!" Jesse told her on the other end of the phone.

"What kind of news?" She responded.

"What do you mean what kind of news? I just said great. Did I not say great?"

"No. No. You did." She chuckled a bit before yawning and running her fingers through her hair. "I just meant what is it about?"

"Oh! Well, it's about the tour. And I want you and the boys to come out here for the weekend to see the surprise."

"Surprise? Jesse, what do you mean? The boys have plans to spend the weekend with my parents. You know that. They'll only be in San Francisco a few more days." Becky reminded him.

"Oh, that's right. But Beck, you at least gotta come over here. I'll have Danny give you the plane ticket and pay him back as soon as I get back. Please? It's so important to me." Her husband practically begged. "You will flip once you see the surprise."

"Alright, Jesse. I'll come to Japan. But not just because of the surprise. But because I want to see my husband whom I haven't seen in almost a month."

"Yes! Yes, Becky! I'm so happy you're coming! I'm so happy she's coming." He said to someone else in the room with him.

"Who's that?" Becky asked.

"Oh, it's just Sophia." Jesse answered her.

"Who's Sophia?" Becky asked, emphasizing the girl's name.

"She's one of my groupies."

"Oh, you have groupies now? How old is this Sophia?" Becky wondered.

"Uhh, 23. Why?"

"No reason." She said before hearing the sound of a girl giggling in the background. "I will see you this weekend, sweetheart." The talk show host said with a bit of an attitude before hanging up the phone.

"Sophia?" DJ asked once Becky set the phone down. "Groupies? Man, Uncle Jesse really IS making it as a musician now, huh?"

"Oh yeah...He's doing just great." Her aunt said as she stepped over to the kitchen table and took a seat at it.

"What's wrong, Aunt Becky? Don't you trust him?"

"Oh, I trust him. It's Sophia I don't trust."

"Come on, Aunt Becky. Uncle Jesse is too crazy about you to ever do something that stupid."

"Yes, you are right. I think I just really miss him. I'm sure once I see him, this feeling will go away." She tried to reassure herself and DJ stood behind her chair to rub her back. "I just know how groupies can be. And I'm not getting any younger."

"You are becoming more beautiful though." DJ told her. "Uncle Jesse said so himself."

"He did?" Becky looked up over her shoulder at her niece behind her.

Dirty RebeccaWhere stories live. Discover now