thrown away

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last night's dinner was cold
wish I was made of gold
to you I'm not cause I got sold
thrown away like last night's dinner

I screamed you didn't care
nothing in life is fair
I tried my best to not swear
but in the end you still didn't care

last night's dinner was cold
wish I was made of gold
to you I'm not cause I got sold
thrown away like last night's dinner

you cut too deep
I didn't weep
slaughtered like sheep
just like a creep

you always take and take
always watching
I just keep on falling
your like a dog barking

last night's dinner was cold
wish I was made of gold
to you I'm not cause I got sold
thrown away like last night's dinner

you never shut ur mouth
to the point you start to shout
you kick me out
just to bring me back

again and again
the cycle goes on
until one day it all ends
and so I say goodbye

poetry for allTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang