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Sleep evaded Elissa once again. She sat in her shift on the furred rug by the fireplace, turning over the dagger in her hand. She admired the craftsmanship of the hilt, carved in a design displaying dragon scales, set with a ruby that sat in the palm of the holder's hand. Though drowsy, the hair on the back of her neck stood up when she heard rustling from the adjoining door.

She looked across the room, scanning for anything that was out of place, but the sound came again, certainly from beyond the door. Her heart was in her throat as she silently rose to her feet, tightening her grip on the dagger. She took measured, cautious steps towards the door, drawing a deep breath as she wrapped her hand around the handle. Steeling herself, she yanked open the door and looked in.

Dagger raised, she saw the window in the far corner, open and blowing wind into the curtains. The floorboards creaked, and she whipped her head around.

"Don't scream." A voice hissed, and despite herself, she yelped.

A hand clamped over her mouth. "I said, don't scream." the voice echoed, and she bit down on the finger of the speaker.

"Damn it!" the person exclaimed, withdrawing the hand. Elissa turned heel and prepared to stab blindly at the invader, stopped only at the last moment by the hand of the target.

"Elissa!" the voice hissed. In the dark, she strained and made out the white-blond hair and eyepatch of the enemy.

"What in the seven hells are you doing?" she bit out, still gripping the blade.

"You are supposed to be asleep!" he countered.

"That doesn't explain why you're sneaking into my room!" she cried.

"Put the gods-forsaken blade down and I'll tell you!" he demanded, eye blazing.

Chest heaving, Elissa held his stare for a moment longer, before letting the dagger clatter on the ground. Slowly, Aemond loosed his grip on her arm and stepped back.

"There," Elissa spat. "Now explain."

"I'm leaving." He said.

"What?" She exclaimed.

"I'm leaving. I have to rally our remaining allies, but I need to leave in secret so as not to be noticed by Rhaenyra's men." He explained.

"That doesn't tell me why you're breaking into my room like a," she sputtered, waving her hand, "thief in night!"

"There is a passage in your room that leads out of the keep, I found it years ago as a child." He said, gesturing to a large tapestry on the wall.

Elissa crossed her arms in frustration. "And you thought to do this, never bothering to tell me?"

Aemond mirrored her stance, unthinkingly. "Only my mother and Criston Cole know my plans. It must be of the utmost security to succeed."

"And what would become of me?" Elissa demanded. "You would leave me to be captive in your mother's fortress?"

"You would be safe," he insisted.

"I would be a prisoner!" she bit out. Her chest heaved, heart still pounding between her ribs. She glared up at the prince through furrowed brows. "I'm coming with you."

"Absolutely not!" he exclaimed.

Elissa grabbed the dagger from the ground, leveling it at him again. "Yes. You'll need to get past me to leave, won't you?"

"I will not hesitate to disarm you and bind you if you intend to stand in my way." He said coolly.

"Try me. I'll bite." She hissed.

the ballad of elissa swann (a.t.) (UNDER EDIT)Where stories live. Discover now