76 - Could You Pass the Discomfort, Please?

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"So there's not even like a slight chance?"

"Absolutely not,"

"Even if me and you were the last ones on the planet?"

"There would never be a scenario where you and I were the last ones on the planet,"

"But if there was-"

"Ay caramba, still no, LaRusso," I say, shaking my head as I set the table. Every time I come over for dinner, Anthony LaRusso decides to shoot his shot. Does it make me a little uncomfortable? Yes. Do I find it absolutely hilarious at the same time? Also yes. I'll give props where props are due, he's brave for trying, but the answer will forever and always be no. I'm a solid three years older than him. It's a no from me. Makes for a funny story to tell Robby though.

"How's school going?"

He suddenly does everything to keep his eyes averted from mine. Hmm... something's up...

"Good, yeah, things are good. There's this new kid in my classes who's annoying, but everything else is good," he says. I know a thing or two about people at school being annoying.

"Just don't let him get to you. Things will get better, or at least more bearable," I say, setting the last fork into its place. There. The table is set and it looks good. I speak from experience. There are annoying people at my school too. I mean, when I was his age, they were shoving me into lockers, dropping my belongings in the toilet, tripping me in the hallway, pushing me around, threatening to hurt me or my little brother if I didn't do their homework- okay, perhaps it was a little more than just annoying...

"Parker, you didn't have to do that, you should be with Sam and Miguel," Mrs LaRusso says, coming up behind me. She's another person with easily recognizable footsteps, especially at the dealership when she's in heels. I shrug.

"I was taught to help at dinner," I reply. At family dinners at Abuelita and Abuelo's house, I'm usually in the kitchen making or helping with something. It's fun. It's habit. She smiles at me.

"You don't have to worry about it okay? But thank you," she says, "hey, kids! Dinner!"

I take my seat next to Anthony and across from Miguel, Mr LaRusso on my left at the head- or foot, depending on how you look at it- of the table. The food is so good. I was starving, Dios mío. Tomorrow is grocery day, gracias a Dios. It's been a lot of rice lately.

"So how's business?" Ms Diaz asks Mr and Mrs LaRusso. Really good actually. I have to restock the coffee and tea station more often now, which is a good thing.

"Uh, the dealership's been the best it's been in years," Mr LaRusso says, "it should practically be on autopilot by the time Sam takes over. Right Sam?"

"Dad.." Sam says, seeming slightly uncomfortable, but she smiles through it.

Out of Place [Cobra Kai OC x Robby Keene]Where stories live. Discover now