Chapter 15. Cute Ghost

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🎶 Shayad (Film Version)

Published on 03.11.2022

na chahiye kuch,
tumse jyada,
tumse kam nahi. ❞


The first thing that Inaaya did the next day was hand over the chocolates that she had kept for herself to Maya and asked her to give them to Khushi or devour them herself or do whatever the heck she wanted because Inaaya didn't care. The chocolates could very well be lying in a trash or could be being crushed for toppings over a cake and she couldn't care less.

The rest of the week passed in a whiff. She ignored Ayansh and he avoided her. Whatever little they interacted, it was related to work and with the team present. It was completely professional and Inaaya preferred it.

She thought she could go on with life in this manner. Boring, unhappening, single life over an unexciting love life which suddenly wants some adventure and ends up colliding with an unwanted ex, sending her life spiralling down, making her question everything she had come to believe in the last couple of years. She preferred to stay in her safe, protected bubble of disoriented reality rather than walking bare footed on an uncharted territory and face the not so likeable truths about herself.

Josh had called her and said that maybe friendship between them wouldn't hurt much. He told her he was better if not completely over it but he didn't want to lose the innocent friendship they shared that actually paved way for things to escalate further. It was highlight of her week, atleast till Sunday happened.

Mr. Myles Stevens was like a mentor to Inaaya. She held him in high regard and even though he had retired, he was still very much in contact with her. He was also like a father figure to her in this unknown country. He had always treated her with a peculiar fondness and she was grateful for it, more than he'll ever understand, more than he'll ever know.

Inaaya was aware about his immense contribution in the University, his involvement and has witnessed it herself. He was a guide to students, making time from his busy schedule and always being patient with anyone who needed help.

The warmth he exudated was something Inaaya had always craved, something she never was able to get from her Dad right from childhood. She adored the equation he shared with his son, Daniel and respected the way he conducted himself with the students and then, later his employees. He personally used to take care of his employees comfort, made sure they know they can count on him.

During her University days, she couldn't help but admire his thoughts and work ethics and values. He had been a constant support to her, motivating her and even though, she never felt the need to ask for any major help for him, she appreciated his presence. He was a guardian to her, her family even if they weren't blood related.

Inaaya remembers how she and Daniel bonded while discussing the Hollywood market when she was doing a case study. He was impressed by her clarity of thoughts and its articulation in her speech, something he thought will be helpful to improve his dialogue delivery to which Inaaya gave him a ridiculous look. She had often visited Mr. Stevens house and had a good, riveting discussion with him on various topics and he enjoyed her company especially when he missed his son who was out of state most of the times due to shoots.

Inaaya knew Mr Stevens would appreciate her presence even today since Daniel had left a couple of weeks ago owing to his shooting.

"I really think you should go with what your heart says." Inaaya states as Maria, their househelp brings snacks and tea. "Thank you," Inaaya murmurs to her.

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