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I was still sitting there. Even ten minutes later, I didn't manage to move. My gaze focussed rigidly on the shards, and I wondered how this could escalate in this way.

He deserves it. Suddenly my inner voice came out and I believed her. Of course, he deserved it, more than anyone else. Right?

I tore myself together, I was not allowed to let these doubts get louder! My legs carried me out of the room. The crunching shards under my shoes made me shudder. I had to get out of here as soon as possible!

In the end, I found myself on the paddock. Fortunately, no camera teams and paparazzi have been frolicking here yet, which saved me a lot. The only people here were employees of the different teams and of course a few of the drivers themselves. Including Pierre. The Frenchman happily hopped towards me, while the arms of his racing suit dangled back and forth by the side.

„But someone is in a particularly good mood..." He met me slightly disappointed, and I only grumbled incomprehensible stuff. In my head, it should say „please just don't ask," but Pierre couldn't possibly have understood this, because he asked, of course.

„Does it have anything to do with Lewis? He ran through here twenty minutes ago and impaled everyone with his eyes... I was already wondering what went wrong with him." He gave me a questioning look, I sighed.

„The everyday thing..." I reluctantly answered what the AlphaTauri pilot acknowledged with a laugh. „Definitely because of yesterday, right?" I barely twitched noticeably with the shoulders, which was answer enough for him.

„Oh yes, that's how we know our Lewis. But I warned you..." He reproached me rigorously, which even made me smile briefly. „Anyway, don't let him spoil your mood. See you later!" With this, the Frenchman said goodbye and continued to hop along the paddock. I briefly wondered if this was part of his preparation for the race, or if he just liked that... It definitely looked very funny.

I also continued my journey, but without a goal. The fact that I was ultimately in the middle of the pit lane was not intended. Inside the garages, more and more people frolicked. Mechanics, strategists and drivers, everyone was together and discussed today's race.

I stopped immediately when I felt that someone was behind me. A shiver came over me and my gaze scurried out of the McLaren box, right behind me. „Well, have you calmed down again?" Lewis asked and gave me an amused look. I, on the other hand, didn't find that funny at all and just wanted to leave.

I started but didn't get far because he stood in front of me. „Yes, I did, but that will change again very quickly if you don't leave me alone now!" My threat didn't seem to have impressed him, he smiled. Our eyes were hooked together as if we were playing for it, who looks the other way first. But since we both don't like to lose, no one looked the other way. „Unfortunately, there is no vase here that you can throw at me..." After a few moments he broke our silence, his grin widened.

I hated him so much.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, otherwise I throw the next best thing at him. „And don't forget", he stopped and came even closer to my face, „you won't get rid of me so easily and besides, you certainly don't want your father to find out about your little freak out?" He whispered. I felt his breath wandering on my ear and his words echoed in this one. „So, think carefully about who you play your games with..."

I really didn't want my father to know about it, that much was already certain. Basically, but I had lost idleness. What should my father do? Throw me out because I threw a vase at Lewis? Probably rather less... However, there is something Lewis didn't consider about the whole thing. If he thinks he can blackmail me, he is the one who sits at the shorter lever. Unlike me, he really has something to lose...

Toxic Love - when hate becomes love | Lewis Hamilton FF (Part 1/English version)Where stories live. Discover now