Chapter 32 ( The End )

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A loud thund was heard and my butt was in pain . I growled and opened my eyes only to find myself in my bedroom . The old one

I got up from the floor and went to the bathroom while multiple questions were flooding in my head . 'How am I in my bedroom , I was in the park ?'

I came out of the bathroom wearing a simple white t-shirt and light blue jeans , with a pair of white sneakers

I went downstairs and to the dinning area . Once I reached there I saw Han-suk and Seojun sitting on their chairs . They noticed my presence and Han-suk spoke

Han-suk : oh you are awake , come and have breakfast

I nodded my head as a yes and sat down on a empty chair and started eating silently

Seojun : what happened ? why are you so silent ?

Y/n : ( sigh ) I got a dream

Han-suk : so what's wrong in that dear ?

Y/n : it felt soo real and it was soo long

Han-suk : oh don't worry , I also got many long dreams and they felt real

I just nodded my head

Han-suk : btw you have to go to the xxx resturant to meet your finances

Y/n : hmm ok

How can I forget that I have 7 finances , whom I never met since they were in another country for business purpose

Y/n : "in mind" oh how badly I wish that wasn't a dream

I went to my work which was in a cafe . Even tho my dad aka Han-suk is a CEO of the Lofi coorporation , which is one of the most successful business company . I wanted to work in a cafe , and both Han-suk and Seojun respected my decision . The cafe is owned by a old , kind women

I entered the cafe and saw there were a few customers . I walked inside the staff room and put my bag in the locker and put on a apron

I came out from the staff room and was greeted by Se-ri , Moon-young , Seo-jin and Iu , my cafe besties

Seo-jin : hey girl

Moon-young : good morning

Y/n : hey , good morning

I went to my work which was as a receptionist . As I was sorting out the cash , the bell rang of the cafe indicating a customer came . I look up to see Blackpink , my college seniors and as well as my best friends aka unnies

I huge grin spread across my face seeing them in the cafe . Once they notice me they ran up to me for a group hug . That ofcourse made me loose my breath . I was struggling to breathe

Y/n : u-unnies I c-can't breath

Author POV

After hearing that Y/n was struggling to breathe , they immediately break the hug not wanting to kill their friend . Y/n was gasping for air and was breathing heavily

Y/n : you guys almost killed me today

Blackpink let out a small nervous laugh

Jisoo : hehe sorry

Lalisa : we just became too much happy meeting you after a long time

Y/n : I understand you guys were excited but don't be that much excited that I will have to end up in a hospital

And like that only they chit-chatted for some time . Like college memories , some hilarious , embarrassing , funny and sad moments and other all stuff . Since their were not much customers in the cafe , Y/n didn't have to worry about taking their orders because Iu already took their orders before only

You and Blackpink bid good byes to each other before Blackpink exited the cafe . You again got back to work which was taking orders from the people who came to the cafe for breakfasts or dates or studies and other all purposes

After a long and exhausting day at work , your shift was finnally over


Y/n : "in mind" finally my shift is over

I started streching my muscles in the staff room and once I was done I kept the apron back inside my locked and took my belongings and headed home to get dressed , to meet my finances

I entered the house and it was quite as usual , since Han-suk and Seojun were at work

I went to take a quick shower and I then changed into a blue floral dress that reached till my knees

I took my purse and headed to my destination , the restaurant was like a 5 star one , it took like 10 minutes for me to reach since it was not that far

I finally reached the restaurant and went inside . I went to the reception lady and she spoke once she noticed me

Receptionist : are you miss Y/n ?

She said in a sweet and polite voice and there was a huge smile on her face while she spoke

Y/n : yes

I returned the smile to her

Receptionist : table number 27 , 3rd floor please

I went to the elevator and went to the floor where my table is . Once the elevator door opened , I stepped out and went to the table by the help of one of the guards who said me the direction

Once I reached the table , my finances turned around and greeted me and I was hella shocked when they were none other than BTS

BTS : hey babe

Y/n : O . M . G ( mumbled )

The End


So this is the official ending of Psycho Mafia Obsession story

I hope you liked this story , if not then I apologise for that

Btw don't forget to check out my new story which will be releasing soon . And I promise it will be more better than this one

For now bye bye and take care

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