Chapter Uno

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It was the regular pack training day when they all heard the familiar sound of Stiles's Blue Jeep

Every werewolf could smell how angry he was, Alison and Lydia assumed he was as he didn't greet anyone

No one wanted to ask so they continued with training

Nobody could ignore the fumes of anger he gave off and right when Scott finally decided to ask, Stiles's phone rang

He picks it up and immediately presses decline

The phone rings again and Stiles ends up putting it off

He sighs and looks up, he raises a brow as he sees the pack staring at him

"What?" he asked

"What do you mean " What ", you have been angry this entire time then you did the phone thing so why?" asked Jackson irritated

"Oh yeah well my family is coming to visit soooo" answered Stiles dragging out the 'o'

"Huh? Why are you mad about that, I thought you said your family was great?" asked Scott

"They are it's just- Ugh! Know what you guys can meet them tomorrow when they get here then you'll all see why I was so pissed off" Stiles's said looking away

"But why are your family coming?" asked Erica

"because my dad thinks I'm lonely" he answered very quietly and all of the werewolves barely pick it up

"I'm not sure I want to meet more of you Stiles" said Jackson

Stiles huffs and stares him dead in the eyes
"They would meet you whether you like it or not because unlike me their smart"

He said that while looking down at his phone

"I should probably put this back on" he mumbled

He puts it on and immediately it rings

He answers

"Really Stiles?"

There is a silence

"Just come home already"

His dad said hanging up

Stiles stares at his phone and walks to his car leaving the rest

Derek, Scott, Isaac, Jackson, Boyd and Erica look at one another

Lydia and Alison are quick to notice

"Why are you looking at each other like that?" asked Lydia raising a single eyebrow

"Well it seems like Stiles wasn't lying when he said they are smarter than him" said Isaac

Scott nods along

"Yeah but I really don't see the problem, he told me the last time he saw his family was 2 years ago and that it-"

"Went great and you all got along" said mister Stilinski to his son

"Yes we got along until we started to see some similarities" Stiles argued back

"He's got a point there Uncle" said - - - -

"Hey you can't talk your the one who showed up wat too early you know " said Stiles

"You motherfu-" - - - - gets cut off

"That's enough! Both of you are going to play nice and when the others come you you'll all get along, understand?(b)" he asked sternly

They nod and walk off to Stiles's room with stiff legs

They close the door and have a seat


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