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1. There are never any customers at the Grey Inn

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Darkness had consumed the world.

The sun had disappeared in an instant.

Every time the full moon approaches, the villagers become cruel and frenzied.

Werewolves disguised as humans prey on humans every full moon. It was a year ago that this frightening rumor spread.

When the number of villagers that disappeared for no apparent reason rose above twenty, fear overtook the village. Many villagers lacked the funds and the courage to leave the rural village. But when a full moon approached, terror gripped them, and they barely made it through the night, dulling their senses with cheap alcohol and drugs.

It was fear that drove these good, law-abiding citizens to find a scapegoat onto which they could pour out their anger over the endless pain and misery.

Now they had a justifiable reason for their actions.

Driven by trepidation, nobody noticed how cruel or cold-hearted they had become.

"The child frightened me from the beginning. He doesn't even remember who he is. How could somebody like that end up in our village...?! What sins have we committed?!"

"Goodness. Who's turn is it to bring him food today? Just going near that storage shed makes me shudder."

"I'm tired of trying to find somebody to take my turn. How long do we have to keep the child? Thinking about him makes my skin crawl. Those miserable, golden eyes and his expressionless face... We can't keep him trapped like that forever...!"

The boy was found abandoned, unconscious in the village just a year before, the very same night the villagers started disappearing every full moon.

When they first discovered him, he was very small. He couldn't have been more than six or seven years old.

The twin nannies who lived near the village entrance took the boy in that night. But after they disappeared, the villagers took turns taking care of the boy. It wasn't long before they realized that the speed with which the boy grew was abnormal.

In less than a year, the boy grew rapidly to the size of a young teenager, and people kept disappearing.

The boy was soon marked as an ominous being, and was eventually entrusted to the hardware store owner, who lived alone.

But that was just the beginning. After the boy's first night there, the store owner discovered wild animal carcasses in his yard the next morning, their bodies sucked dry of their blood. They had been slaughtered. The store owner locked the boy in the storage shed and fled the village, leaving behind everything he owned.

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