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3rd person pov

Regie had stayed in his room for the whole night and

Thinking about what Justin had said


He didn't like Oliver.

That was his best friend he couldn't do that..he wouldn't

Even if Oliver had a pretty smile and nice abs..NO he wouldn't do that

But of course, Oliver fucking Moy got worried about regie and had to come into his room

"..You ok regie?" Oliver said his head peeking into Regie's room

When Regie didn't answer Oliver got more worried and decided to come in

Oliver walked to Regie's bed slowly

His eyes landed on a sleeping Regie

Oliver stared for a moment before sighing

"How will I ever do this.." Oliver said before walking back to the door and closing it

Regie wasn't sleeping and he wanted to know what Oliver meant.

143 words

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