Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Hell's Training Part 1

The first week of the training was hell for everyone involved. Kakashi didn't let up on anyone including the other jonin. Naruto and Sasuke piped up every now and then to offer suggestions but for the most part they merely followed orders or, if they had already completed the exercise, worked on something else. It didn't take to long for the group to see just how much training they needed to do in order to catch up either. Despite being in younger, weaker bodies Naruto and Sasuke were doing laps around them in almost everything. Even Hinata and Shino had surpassed them as a result of training with them. One of the things that the two time travelers were dealing with was making sure that everyone was at the level that they had been at the beginning of the fourth war before teaching them anything new and teaching them the strengths and weaknesses of each of the Akatsuki. Half of the day was grueling physical training and the other half mental and medical training. As a result they were already make leaps towards their final goal.

Looking around at the group of genin training themselves into the ground, Kakashi smiled to himself. After hearing what the two boys had gone through the teams had made it their personal goal to make sure that they don't go through it again. Or at the very least alone. Looking down at a list of things that he had made for their training and the missions that they had picked up he nodded. He had planned for certain missions to be done at certain intervals and it was time for them to start doing their training missions.

"Alright everyone. I want you to take a break and come over here. I think that it is time for the first of the missions. Depending on how these ones go is whether or not we do more right away or do some more training first." Kakashi called getting the attention of the genin who stopped what they were doing and headed over to the silver haired man. They had been working themselves practically to death and this was the first time that he had decided to call for an intermission to that torture.

"Now then, I know that some of you have made your first kills already however, I have been informed that some of your jonins have not made it that far. As such we will be taking care of that today. There is a massive bandit camp to the south of here that has been causing some trouble for the nearby villages. Normally we would have done this sooner but I was waiting for the whole camp to be present so we don't have to take to much of our time to track them down. Gather your missions supplies and be ready to go in five minutes." He informed them as they darted off. The last time that someone wasn't ready in the specified amount of time the whole group was punished. Looking over at his fellow jonin Kakashi smiled at them.

"Enjoying yourselves?"

Several miles away...

The bandits were stretched out relaxing as the door to their hide away closed. They had been fortunate enough to make an abandoned fortress their main home and they had made sure that they were safe in it. It had taken almost two years to repair the damage that had been done to the building but there were few if any problem areas. It was because of that they were comfortable believing that they were safe. After all, who would actually hire ninja for a group of bandits when the total number of enemies was unknown. That was one thing that the kage would want before approving a mission.

"Hey, any luck out there lately?" One of them called to a friend who was lounging himself.

"Not really. I think we will need to spread out more. The areas around here have been picked clean and the boss doesn't want us to bring anyone back here so that the ninja aren't called in." He called back. Sighing he reached for a drink and settled in for a long night. The whole group came back every once in awhile and when that happened it got real noisy really fast. He rather enjoyed it when it was quiet because most of the fortress was empty.

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