Home Without Love

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Hours ticked by and day turned into night but Gulf didn't move from his seat. Operation had been successful. Knife hadn't touched any vital organs. All they had to wait for was for Mew to wake up. Gulf could feel his heart hammering in his chest, afraid something would go wrong again. Vegas had gone home to change and bring dinner for Gulf. Tine and Wat had dropped by when they heard about this. They had offered to stay so that Gulf could have some rest but Gulf refused to budge even an inch from Mew's side. What if Mew woke up and he wasn't here? What if something went wrong while he was away? Not that he could do anything to help but still as long as he was beside Mew he could watch over him.

It was around 2 in the morning when Mew gained consciousness. He tried to sit up but winced because of pain. Gulf immediately woke up and when he saw Mew looking at him, he let out a strangled cry of relief and worry as he embraced him tightly. He couldn't believe Mew was awake. He quickly called the nurse and doctor. They checked few things and deemed everything okay.

"Bub, are you okay? You aren't hurt anywhere, right?"

"How can you worry about me when you are on the hospital bed?"

"How can I not? You get kidnapped because of me-"

"Shut up. If anything it's all my fault. You got stabbed because of me. To be precise, this all started because of me. Mew, I was so scared, scared of losing you. I wouldn't have been able to live if something had happened to you."

"Gulf, don't feel guilty. It wasn't our fault. We just had misfortune of meeting some really cruel people and that's not something we just apologize for."

"I don't know what did I ever do to meet someone like you. If it's God's way of paying me back for all that abuse I had gone through then it was worth it, you were worth it."

"Oh bub, anyone would be nothing short of lucky to have you by his side. It's their loss that they couldn't realize what they had." Mew smiled lovingly at him.

"I'm sorry. No amount of sorry would be enough but I'm really sorry, Mew for-"

"Gulf what did I tell you just now?"

"I understand but it's hard to not hate myself."

"Lets stop doing that now, hating ourselves. We have done enough of that till now. We hated ourselves, little things that should have made us love ourselves only ended up being flaws. You and I aren't flawed or broken, we were just abandoned. And it's okay if we aren't perfect, it's alright as long as we are together, I promise you, it wouldn't be that bad."

Gulf couldn't stop the tears, "You are right. We constantly craved this validation from our parents to feel wanted or even loved but that's not how it should be. We were alive, that should have been enough reason to love us."

"My bub us growing wise."

"Or maybe I'm healing."

A week later Mew was discharged from the hospital. Liam had been arrested and indicted by the prosecution. Mew and Gulf gave their testimonies against him and case looked pretty much airtight. Clarissa had stepped back and Liam was left with support as all his alliances had abandoned him. Mew's parents had been contacting him persistently for last few days but he had been ignoring their calls which led to them coming all the way to their house. The look of distaste on his mother's face was enough to know what she thought of place they were living in but now he didn't give a damn about her anymore. He was done with trying to please them all the time. It wasn't his burden anymore. He was done with them.

"Why are you here?" Mew demanded.

"Is that how you welcome your parents?" She said testily.

"Parents? I don't have any parents."

"MEW. How dare you disrespect us like that?"

He said through gritted teeth, "If you think about all the pain we had gone through, this is nothing."

"I'm sure living on your own had taught a lesson or two. Shouldn't you come back now?"

"I have no intention of doing so."

"Mew, enough with your tantrum. Now come back home."

"Home? That place was anything but home. It was more like a prison to me."

His father scoffed, "All that luxury was prison to you? You weren't complaining when you had all that money at your disposal." His father commented.

"Money doesn't raise a child. It's your freaking job to do that. You gave Mew everything other than love. When was the last time you hugged him? Or complimented him? Or said you love him? Do you even remember?" Gulf asked.


"No, right? Because you never did that. You should have loved him just because he's your son. He doesn't have to get first prize at school or get a deal signed or make profit for the company to get your love or affection. Your love should have been there the whole freaking time. There should be course for being a parent too, someone don't know how to be one."

"You've no manners. How dare you say that?" Mrs.Suppasit said angrily.

"Kindly get out of our lives or I would have to kick you out." Gulf said sassily.

"Mew, will you let him talk like this with us?"

Mew scoffed, "He didn't say anything wrong."

After his parents had left, Mew plopped down on the couch with a sigh. "You know the only reason they were here was to not let the company go to my cousins. They need a heir, that's the only time they remember they've a son."

"Mew, every child deserves parents but not every parent deserve a child. Some people should never have kids, your and my parents are the best example."

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