11.new house part 2

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That's when I saw, the new house. It was made out of stone and wood, the bottom half of it just under the windows was stone, but the rest was wood. It also had an upper floor to it. Curtis brought us closer to the wooden door and opened it. He placed me on my feet in the new house.

The house was dusty and looked like it hadn't been occupied in a while. There was the main room we were in now, and a burn spot was in the middle of the room. In the corner left of the room was a set of stone stairs, presumably leading to the second floor. There were 3 doors in total on the first floor.

There were 2 doors on the right and a door frame on the left, it looked like a bedroom in there, with all the hay and furs in there. We went up the stairs to see another sleeping room that looked to be more lavish.

"I'm gonna guess this is where the female and her favorite males sleep," Curtis said. "I'm going to clean up the dust downstairs and clean up the scent to be mine, it smells like a wolf in here," Curtis added while flicking his forked tongue.

"Alright then, I'll tidy upstairs and the other bedroom," I told him, he nodded and headed downstairs. I cleaned up the hay piles, they looked foul and almost rotten. "Hey, Curtis! What should we do with this hay it looks rotten," I asked him.

"You can put it in a pile! I'll help you throw it away later," he told me. I got back to rolling up the furs on the top floor.

You know what, I should check the shop to see if there are brooms at all...








I guess it would be in miscellaneous,

Lo and behold, it was in the miscellaneous, for 5 salts. I bought it and started to clean up the floors, the more I swept, the more I realized it was a grey stone floor. I got the dirt by the stairs later to pick it up with the dustpan.

I went downstairs to see Curtis in his beast form rubbing against the walls. I went into the second bedroom and did the same process, putting the hay in a pile. Roll up all the furs, and sweep all the access dirt in a pile.

I put the dirt in the dustpan and threw the dirt out the window frame. I got the rolled-up furs on the top floor. "Curtis, is there a stream nearby?" I asked him.

"Yes, if you go to the left when you walk out the door there's a clearing and a creak, may I ask why you wanted to know this?" He asked

"I'm going to go wash these furs, they are all dusty and gross," I told him. He nodded at my response.

"Alright while you do that I'll throw away all the straw for you," he said. I walked out the entrance with the furs in hand and followed Curtis's directions, there was an empty clearing and an even more empty stream.

The Beast World's Gift (Discontinued, another one being written)Where stories live. Discover now