TWENTY... i should've stayed in bed

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Tangled legs, messy hair,
sun beams on the hardwood floor,
birds chirping, bare skin,
and heat like Collins has never felt before.

All things which the girl listed off in her head the moment she'd woken up without moving so much as an inch because she wanted to soak in every bit of this little slice of heaven she was in before she had to leave it. Collins breathed in the fresh air drifting in through the open window, with a soft sigh in content.

Who knew sleeping with another person in the same bed could be so comfortable? It made more sense in Collins's head for it to be an unpleasant experience, with such limited shared space and a night spent playing a snoozing game of twister trying to find the most comfortable position. Yet much to her surprise, it was probably the best sleep she's had in months, even though it was boiling like a pot of water

A quick glimpse at her solar powered watch prompted Collins to finally depart from tranquility. It was already eight o'clock- that was practically noon in the summer time. There were definitely things that needed to be done and unfortunately, they wouldn't be if she remained arrested to this bed.

Peering up at JJ, Collins nearly melted at the sight of him so sound asleep. This was most likely the quietest she's ever seen him. His soft breaths through his nose were the only sounds emitted from him, otherwise he was silent. She admired his messy hair, a nest of blond that curled over his forehead. She liked the little Cupid's bow that shaped his lips and how he slightly pouted them naturally in his sleep.

She never wanted to leave.

The sound of movement from outside of the room seemed to serve as another reminder that while it felt like a time stood still when it was just her and JJ, the world still moved on around them. Begrudgingly wiggling out from under JJ's arm while trying not to disturb him, Collins crawled out, standing up from the bed once she'd freed herself. With her body finally vertical, Collins took a moment to raise her arms up and stretch, a yawn escaping her in the process. She looked out the window and briefly examined the conditions outside. Just another sunny day in the OBX, no complaints or concerns to be had.

A soft grumble and the shifting of the sheets drew Collins's attention back to the bed, where she saw JJ stirring awake. He blinked a couple of times, his eyes still heavy with sleep before he rubbed his face and pushed his hair up haphazardly. "Is it morning already?" His morning voice was raspy and probably the sexiest thing Collins has ever heard in her life. She almost blushed just for thinking such a thing.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked, combing her fingers through the tangles in her brunette waves. She leaned against the wall adjacent to the window, and glanced between the view outside and her view of JJ.

"I think I'm still dreaming." He murmured, gazing at her with his face half buried in his pillow and a smile tugging on the corners of his lips. She truly looked like an angel the way the sun was shining over her. Collins looked at him before shaking her head with a scoff in disbelief. Even half-asleep he was still flirting in circles around her. "Come back here." He patted the mattress and beckoned her to move closer.

"But it's time to wake up." Collins replied, though her feet still moved like they had a mind of their own in the direction of the bed. She stopped- an action which required full synchronization of both her mind and body- at the end of the bed.

JJ moved to meet her halfway, sitting up and leaning forward to grab her by the hand and tug her to fall into the pile of blankets and pillows. "I'm afraid you've spoiled me. One night with you and now I don't know how I'll ever sleep alone again."

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