Ladies and Pirates

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Octavia gritted her teeth as she and Lottie prepared together for the first evening of the house party.

Don't rip, don't rip, she begged her dress as she donned it.

"Let me help you with the laces," Lottie said, her own dress hanging loose around her.

"No!" Octavia said a little too loudly. She forced a smile. "I mean..." How to explain her fear that her dress, now two seasons old, might tear at any moment? "Let me help you, first." She hurriedly turned Lottie around and helped her with her dress, feeling envious of the smooth silk in the newest style.

As she tightened the laces, Octavia forced her mind away from her jealousy at the fine clothing and asked, "who was that young man I spied you with by the stables?"

A flush crept up Lottie's small neck and she giggled slightly. "Mr. Thomas Hawthorne."

"The man you've been longing for the past year?" Octavia teased, tying the last of the laces.

Lottie dipped her head. Although she hid it well, she hadn't been the same over the last year. "Come on, we better hurry or we'll be late."

Octavia swallowed hard and did her best to tie her own laces while her fair-haired friend was turned away. She had dismissed her maid over a month ago and had learned quite a few tricks to aid in dressing herself.

"You'll be pleased to hear there are at least two available young men joining the party," Lottie said, as if trying to change the subject from the man who had captured her own attention.

"Are they rich?" Octavia asked eagerly, finally managing to tie off the laces.

Lottie laughed, looking slightly uncomfortable. "That's always the first question you ask about a man. What if they have a poor disposition? Or worse, they're boring? Money can't buy happiness, Octavia."

Octavia eyed the rows of gorgeous gowns in Lottie's wardrobe, fine linens and imported silks, and new gloves and shoes. New clothes were a weakness she had once indulged without a second thought. Money could buy clothes, jewels, fine food... real medicine that would ease her father's cough.

A warm fire and sturdy roof for her parents.

"On the contrary," Octavia whispered, "Money can be my only happiness."

Touching her hair once more to ensure each strand was in its place, Octavia watched the house party guests with a well-trained eye as they gathered for dinner. Lord Campbell was a good candidate, for he had money and a title, but she had heard enough rumors about him to know to keep her distance. He may be handsome and wealthy, but there was little chance he would marry. He was much too free with the ladies for that.

Sir Roland... he had enough money, to be sure, but... could she stomach marrying a man she had just witnessed picking his nose?

Her eyes paused over Captain Hillington. Although the second son of Lord and Lady Hillington was not the heir to a title, rumors stated he was worth at least 15,000 pounds a year, and he had made a good name for himself in the Navy. Even so, his clothing was tastefully modest, and his eyes lingered on the ladies only long enough to appraise, but not enough to mark him a cad.

A good catch, Octavia thought with satisfaction. Boys like him were easily seduced and hard to shake once their feelings were set in place. All she needed was to trap him.

For the first time in months, hope fluttered in her chest. Lottie and Miss Wilde were the only other unattached young ladies of the group, but they were no match for Octavia's beauty and ability to flirt. It was not pride that made her think so, but science. She had been trained in womanly wiles for years.

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