Chapter Twenty Two

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Meet me at the stables, bring your stetson.

Your cowboy N.L

Nathan's barely legible scribble was followed by a poor attempt at him drawing a heart and a winky face. It was a cute note that left me smiling like a fool. I had just dropped off the kids at school to come back to that note stuck to the fridge. I removed it and put it in my pocket rushing to my room to get my stetson. Looks like we were finally having that date. The kids were at school so we would have time to ourselves without having to sneak around. I also hoped that Nathan had planned something away from the prying eyes of his workers. I didn't need them being all up in our business.

I caught a glimpse of my outfit on the mirror and my face scrunched up in distaste. I was wearing a baggy sweatshirt, mom jeans and converse. I didn't look like someone dressed for a date so I decided to switch things up a bit. I changed my underwear to something I actually felt sexy in. Black and lacy. Nathan wouldn't get to see it but the fact that I was wearing it boosted my confidence. I put on my tightest pair of jeans, a white tshirt with a deep v-neck that showed off my cleavage, my favorite cowboy boots, a red and white flannel shirt and of course Nathan's stetson. One final look at the mirror and I smiled at the improvement.

I locked the house behind me and skipped off to the stables with a spring in my step. I was really looking forward to what Nathan had planned for us. I found him saddling up Ash while Forest stood majestically next to him all ready for a ride to wherever we were going. He had a couple of saddle bags attached to his saddle.

"Hi excuse me, I'm looking for Nathan Lancaster. He asked me to meet him out here."I said announcing my presence.

Nathan turned to me with a smile on his face, his eyes raking up over my body approvingly leaving me to feel all hot and bothered.

"Hello gorgeous, I'm Nathan Lancaster. How may I help you ma'am?"He replied playing along.

"I believe you owe me a date cowboy."I smiled walking closer to him.

"And I'm here to deliver on that promise. Are you ready to go?"He asked me.

"Go where exactly?"I retorted.

"On our date, get on."He demanded ignoring my question as he patted Ash his deep southern drawl making my skin tingle.

His accent was one of the sexiest things about him topped by his dad bod, his height and best of all his chivalry.

He stood close while I mouthed Ash making sure I was okay and seated securely before he got on Forest adjusting his seating position.

"You ready?"He asked me.

"Lead the way."I replied smiling at him.

Nathan tutted urging Forest forward and I did the same with Ash putting the two riding classes I had into use.

It was around nine am in the morning but the sun was shining over us as if it was already midday. I was glad I had my stetson on to shield my eyes. The ride was peaceful as Nathan led me on a path we had never taken before. I knew the ranch was vast and with my work I barely got to explore but still how didn't I know we there was a pumpkin patch in the ranch. Some workers were harvesting the ready crop for Halloween that was in less than two weeks.

That reminded me that I was yet to begin decorating the house for the spooky holiday. I had been so busy with Ethan's birthday that the holiday had slipped my mind. I also had to remember to ask the kids what character they wanted to be for Halloween so I could get the costumes early enough and avoid last minute rush and end up disappointing them.

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