Part Five

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Ten months later.

When Frank's friend Nicky emails him and offers for the pair of them to fly out to Australia for a vacation on the barrier reef, how is Gerard meant to say no to that? He's very much aware that Frank's wanted to see the barrier reef and vacation there for pretty much his entire life, and now he has the opportunity to do so.

Gerard found the email in Frank's deleted messages on his open laptop. He couldn't help but look, and when he saw that his friend was offering the most amazing vacation for a cut of the price, he knew that they had to go.

"Baby, why did I find this in your deleted emails?" Gerard asks and presses the print out of the email across Frank's kitchen counter. Frank stops what he's doing (making coffee) and looks at Gerard with a strange expression.

"Why were you looking at my emails?" Frank asks, voice calm and collected but Gerard's a little nervous now.

"I just, you left it open and I was going to use it to check that new movie out, remember?" Gerard licks his lips.

Frank nods and glances across at the email before going back to making a pot of coffee.

"I think we should go..." Gerard presses the matter and Frank stares back at him again, blank expression.

"I can't fly, Gerard. You know that." Frank sighs and his cheeks tint a little pink. How embarrassing.

"Baby, I'll be there with you. I mean, I know it's a long flight but..." Gerard moves now so that he's stood behind Frank, and wraps his arms around his boyfriend's middle. He strokes at the skin through his work shirt and Frank sighs, resting his head back against Gerard's shoulder.

"I'm scared." Frank admits and Gerard tightens his arms a little more.

"I know, but I'll be there with you, all the time."

Frank sighs, taking a deep breath in before exhaling. "I'll email Nicky later and let him know we're interested. He wanted us there in a few weeks. "

"Yeah, that's fine." Gerard kisses at Frank's cheek before whispering in his ear. "I love you."

Frank grins but his stomach is bubbling. "Love you too."


If Frank asks Gerard if he's packed one more thing before they board, he promises that he will turn around and leave Frank to fly on his own. Since the taxi picked Gerard up from his house and Frank had jumped from the car, flapping and flustering and panicking if Gerard had packed all he needed, the holiday somehow started to feel a little like a prison sentence.

"And did you remem-" Frank tries to speak but is cut by Gerard's hand in his face, finger pointing right between his eyes. Frank gulps and nods before slumping back down in his chair.

Gerard's angry face soon softens and turns towards Frank, who's sitting next to him at the departure gate at JFK airport. "I know you're scared, baby..." Gerard offers a hand to brush Frank's hair from his eyes. "But you have to stop. Everything is going to be fine!" He smiles and Frank looks up at him, eyes wide.

Frank licks his lips and nods. "I'm just scared..." He moves a little and rests his head against Gerard's shoulder before letting his eyes slip closed.

Gerard sighs and wraps his arm around Frank's middle. "I know. But everything is going to be fine. We're going to have the best time, okay?" Gerard leans down to kiss at Frank's hair. He feels his boyfriend nod against his lips. "Good. Now kiss me." He demands and feels Frank giggle before he moves his head from Gerard's shoulder, leaning up to press their lips together. It's slow and careful and as Gerard pushes a hand through Frank's hair he lets his tongue slip from his mouth, brushing against his boyfriend's lips for a second before pulling back. He keeps their faces close.

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