ability || chapter 24

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 "You hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever."

 The quad is packed full of people watching Weems as she sets up a microphone and gives it a few taps to ensure it works.

"Nevermore students and faculty! It is with great honor and delight that I announce the upcoming first-ever Community Day. This event will take place in April and will be a day for us as a Nevermore family to connect and build trust. We'll have several events such as a collaborative version of the Poe Cup, and everyone will be required to participate in at least one activity. Community Day will take place on April 20th, about three weeks from now," she explains.

"Community building, huh?" Xavier whispers. "That's new."

I shrug. "Maybe Weems wants us to not be at each other's throats all the time."

"Probably. Or she's just trying to appeal to Jericho and show them that we're all a good little friendship circle."

"On second thought, that makes more sense," I agree. Weems takes down the microphone and the crowd dissipates, everyone heading away to eat lunch or go into town. Xavier and I look around and find our friends. We wave them over and they sit down at a table with us.

"I am not looking forward to this meaningless attempt at teenage bonding," Wednesday tells us after she gets her food. "It seems they have found a method of mental torture that would make even me break."

Enid laughs and pats her hand. "It won't be that bad, Winnie."

"What did you just call me?"

"Do you not like it? I came up with it myself."

Wednesday pauses to think, weighing the options of her embarrassment or an upset girlfriend. After a few minutes of silence, she comes to a decision.

"Enid and only Enid may continue to address me with her chosen term of endearment. Should any of the rest of you make any attempt as to do such, I will slowly dismember you," she informs us.

"Going soft, Addams?" I tease.

She glares at me. "In your nightmares."


The snow has begun to thaw the next morning which makes Beekeeping Club much more bearable. Unfortunately, it also means more potential water leakage, so we have to check every hive several times over to make sure all the bees are safe. My wildflowers are dead due to the sudden snow, but once it's entirely thawed I'll see if I can 'resurrect' them.

I sit down on a bench near the line of hives, finished with my checks for now. The other two blend in with the surroundings, white uniforms on white snow. When I close my eyes, I can almost feel the grass, wilting under the layers of cold, reaching back up, tugging at my fingertips. I open my eyes again. With the snow covering all plant life, I've stopped keeping my abilities in check. I'll need to go back to the greenhouse soon.

There's a thicker silence in the air than usual. Be it the absence of animal-generated noise or the lack of conversation. Even the hives are quiet, normally a sign of concern, but I checked them already and they were fine. I remember yesterday, the new discovery of my poison resistance. Another reason to go to the greenhouse. I sigh and head into the shed, stepping out of my uniform and into my coat. Beekeeping Club can make half a session without me.

The door creaks as it opens and I make a note to oil it. Almost as soon as I enter, the plants around me burst to life. I breathe deeply, trying to rein in my ability. The foxglove in the back of the greenhouse is a perfect test subject for today.

The plant hasn't been on my top priority list, so it's slightly dried. I pluck a flower from it and twirl it around in my fingers. As I do so, I think back to the time I fell, face-first into oleander and was fine. This is not a new ability.

Closing my eyes, I swallow the plant.

Nothing happens. I open my eyes after a few seconds and move my fingers. Nothing, still. I'm either extremely stupid or extremely poison-resistant.


"[Y/N], you left Beekeeping early today," Wednesday says to me as I enter my next class. I nod.

"Sorry. I had to go to the greenhouse," I respond. "Test out my poison plants theory."

She frowns. "Yes, I thought you had a resistance after you were fine with the oleander. I have actually poisoned you several times using plant-derived chemicals."

"What the hell?" Xavier asks, sitting next to me.

"I poisoned him to test resistance after the oleander. He was fine."

He shakes his head and turns to the front of the classroom. I take his hand and face the chalkboard at the front as well. Our teacher is still outside and the bell hasn't tolled yet.

"All good?" I ask him. "You're pretty quiet."

He nods. "I'm fine."

We fall back into silence. The morning's revelations are enough to put a stop on our conversation, hanging over us like a dark cloud.

"What about you?" he asks, emerging from the quiet.

"Me?" I respond. "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

He cracks a small smile. "I'm your boyfriend. It's my job."


Once class ends, I walk back to the greenhouse and just sit there, letting the feeling of using my abilities wash over me. In the dead snow, I couldn't use them and I felt empty. But now, surrounded by all the plants reaching out, I smile.

I water the plants as I forgot to do so last time, taking care to not let my grasp on my ability slip. When I sit back down at my table, I realize how draining the constant mental guards are.

The next time I open my eyes, it's pitch black outside.

and we're almost at the end of arc 3, one more chapter to go. bit shorter today, i know, but i just got really tired all of a sudden for no reason because i've just been writing all day and nothing strenuous.

Greenhouse || Xavier Thorpe x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now