few tears,

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few tears shed on birthdays.❞

JUN 29,
one month and twenty-nine
days after the funeral.

on! open it," arun exclaimed, impatient for jude to finally discover the gift the five-year-old boy had decided to offer him. everyone was gathered around a table celebrating the footballer's nineteenth birthday and the child had insisted that his package be the first to be opened, which jude did just a few seconds later. tearing off the wrapping paper, a fairly representative drawing of the player carrying nisha's little brother in his arms revealed before his eyes. with a large smile on his face, jude thanked the little boy and promised him to hang it up in his room in dortmund.

"okay, my turn," jobe said as he tossed his gift into jude's face, who glowered at him at the gesture, but quickly discovered what was hidden under the wrapping paper. with video games they had discussed playing together in front of his eyes, the big brother hugged his little one, thanking him. not lingering any longer, jude finished the tour of the offerings; his parents, rebecca and toby.

then it was nisha's turn, who delicately handed him a medium-sized box, to which jude frowned. feeling the need to explain the gift a little before he opened it, the girl spoke up, "it's nothing amazing but, i think you'll like it." nodding, the boy brushed his fingers over his best friend's hands as he retrieved the box and automatically looked down, feeling that strange feeling rise again in the pit of his stomach.

his eyes widened and his lips stretched so much that he almost thought they would tear open in astonishment and joy at the sight of what was in his hands. "how the fuck did you find this?" swore jude as he turned to his best friend, but the tap on his shoulder from his mother to chastise him about his language quickly changed his direction, "sorry," he quickly apologized with a shy smile.

with admiration, he stared at the old game console in his hands without his smile being able to dissociate from his fleshy lips. he couldn't believe it. he and nisha had spent hours playing with it when they were younger, bickering against each other, and the object brought out beautiful nostalgic memories in him. pressing the on button, and as if it were possible, his smile grew even wider when the console lit up and nisha was contagious with it. it probably sounded silly, but the two best friends had always thought it was lost or sold and despite the time spent searching their respective attics, it had never been found. jude couldn't help but wonder about nisha's find.

"it was at my grandparents' house. i think the last time we played with it we must have been at their house. three weeks ago, arun and i went through all the things that nani (grandma) had kept from our childhood and i came across this. so," she shrugged with a small laugh, "i thought i should definitely give it to you. happy birthday, jude."

nodding vigorously, jude confirmed what nisha had said because, yes, she had indeed done the right thing in giving it to him. in a natural gesture now, he grabbed the girl's shoulders with his arm and swung her from side to side under her melodious laughter. "thank you so much, i can't believe you found it. it's amazing." waving it off, nisha laughed one last time at him being so amazed by the object. "we'll play as soon as we finish eating," he ordered more than he spoke.

"can i play too?" arun climbed onto the footballer's lap and was gently embraced by him, assuring the little boy that yes, he could play with them. "thank you jude!" the little boy exclaimed enthusiastically before laying his head on the footballer's shoulder with a prolonged yawn. his eyes began to close on their own and the whole family smiled with contentment at the angelic face that nisha's little brother was wearing.

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