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Sorry this took sooo long I have a flight on the 3rd and schools starting back up ;-; uhhh schools so draining so this is a very late chapter


Two pairs of feet could be heard landing the 2 helsians, soup demon, and npg hurry off to the closet.


Scar kicks in the door as stress watches.

"Grian are you ok?"

Stress calls as she and scar walk into the house with a now broken door.
A groan could be heard from the other room.


"Hold on Grian were coming"

Stress calls as she and Scar walk towards Grian's bedroom slowly creaking open the door.

"Oh no luv, you look horrible"

Stress says to an half dead looking grian.


Grian breaks out into a coughing fit as stress runs over to the side of the bed. Digging through her bag, Stress pulls out a syringe.

"Hey luv, I'm going to take a blood sample ok?"


Grian groans put as Stress examines his arm so a viable spot to draw blood from while Scar anxiously sits at the opposite side of the room.

"I'm going to give you some medicine for your symptoms and then I'm going to take this blood sample back to my office to do some tests and hopefully find out what is wrong with you"

"Tell scar to replace my door before he goes.."

Grian croaks out sounding like a ghost.
Stress starts to dig through her bag again grabbing some medicine for Grian's symptoms.
Pulling out vomitting, coughing, and sore throat medicine. Stress mixes a small amount of all the liquids together.

"Here drink this luv"

Stress says while pushing the cup with the liquids into Grian's hand, Grian cautiously took the cup and smelled the liquid, it smelled fine but still reluctant to drink it.

"Grian you have drink that to get better luv."

"No it probably tastes horrible!"

"Scar can you hold Grian down for me?"

Scar stops pacing and walks over to the bed and holds down Grian's arms

"Scar let me go!"

Stress pinches Grian nose and shoves the liquid into his mouth making sure he swallowed it.

"See that wasn't so hard"

"Yes it was, it tasted terrible!"

Grian complained but Stress has already walked off.
Scar was beginning to walk off as well.


Grian shouts at scar.



"Grian, man, are you okay?"

Npg says as he walks out of the CLOSET.

"Stress is scaryy"

Grian sobs out.


Stress had finally arrived at her medical office, Stress opened the door and walked in slamming the door behind her. Stress sits on her swivel chair and grabs empty potion bottles. She pulls out the syringe with Grian's blood. She immediately realises that the blood colour has changed, from the average red player blood to a neon purple colour. Almost like the neon purple you'd see on arcade walls, Stress was fascinated by this discovery.
Stress put the blood in the syringe into one of the potion bottles and filled the other bottles with various liquids, such as Water and lava and some how end portal particles. Stress picks up the water bottle and the blood bottle and she put a little drop of blood in the water. As soon as the blood touches the water it became enchanted which shouldn't even be possible. Stress was astonished at what has just happened to the water. It went from clear to runes swirling around it and having a slightly purpled hue. Stress put the now enchanted water down and picked up the lava in the lava resistance bottle. She put a drop of the blood in that bottle. The lava began to swirl like a vortex of anti matter and it became hotter, the lava was now blue with a hue of dark purpled. She decided to call Xisuma over before doing the end particle one.
Stress took out her communicator..


Lmao sorry this took so long school is draining and I had no ideas so uh yeah also you have to wait 4 next chapter now >:) hopefully it won't be a long wait. Yay I can't wait to write it

702 words

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