Chapter 1

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America's POV

I woke up today in a room. I knew it wasn't mine because my room isn't this small. I look next to me .... It was Russia.

'what the hell happened last night...' I thought.

I quickly got dressed out and left the room.

As I was going down stairs, I saw a bunch of countries sleeping either on the floor or on chairs.

I quickly left the house and went to my own house.

At the house

I slowly enter the house and then I close the door.

As I slowly went up stairs to my room my Dad Britain, called me.

"America, where were you!?!" My dad yell

"Um... At a friend's house..." I said nervous

"Don't be fucking lying to me America " my Dad said clearly mad that I wasn't at home early.

"I swear Dad! I was at.... Japan's house! Yeah! We were playing games all night but we got carried away and time went by so Japan offer me to sleep at her place last night!"

"Hmm... Fine I'll let it slide this time... But next time you'll be grounded. Understand!"

"Yes Dad! I promise!"

I quickly went upstairs to my room to get some rest.

As I was walking I accidentally bump into Canada.

"Oh hey bro!"

"America where were you? I was looking for you everywhere last night at the party?"

"Oh yeah about that... I may have drank too much haha..."

" Uh ... America what have I told you? I told you to not drink many of them" Canada said very disappointed.

"I know bro... But they were so good and I couldn't stop drinking so many. Please forgive me."

"Fine. I forgive you but next time please don't ever do it again please."

"Thanks bro I promise!"

"No problem"

I went to my room to get some rest.
But I couldn't. I was still thinking about on how I was on the bed next to Russia.

Did we.... Do it?



I mean... Even if we did .... It's not like he's going to remember... Right?

Welp I better get some sleep for school tomorrow.

Two weeks later...

America's POV

Today I woke up feeling a little sick today...

' uh ... I feel so sick' I thought to myself.

As I got out of bed my stomach started to hurt.

I quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

Throwing up in the toilet.

" Mate... Are you okay?" I heard Australia asking outside the door

"Yep ! I'm totally Okay! Don't worry about it Australia!" I yelled at him back.

"Are you sure mate? You been there for like.... 2 hours?"

'TWO HOURS!?!?! Damn it felt like 20 minutes...' I thought to myself.

"Yes Australia! I'm fine! Now leave me alone!" I said annoyed

"Ok.... " He said as he walked away.

After I got out the bathroom I went to my room to do some research on what's going on with me.

I grabbed my phone and went to Gooogleee and searched

"What happens if you just happened to feel like you're throwing up ?" Or something like that.

I read some of the results and I couldn't believe my fucking eyes...

Most of the results were about pregnancy

This couldn't be... I'm a guy... Not a girl !

This was all wrong!

Or was it...

I decided to go to the drug store to get some pregnancy test to make sure I wasn't pregnant.... After all me and Russia did do it....

But I dout it because I'm a guy duh.

But just to make sure.

I quickly got dressed and went down stairs

I said good morning to my father and brothers and then left.

At the drug store

I entered the drug store and the first thing I do is go to the pregnancy section.

I quickly looked at the pregnancy test.

I grabbed whatever pregnancy test that looked good.

I went to the counter and the lady in the front looked at me like I was weird.

" That would be like 5 dollars please"

I gave her the money and left.

As I was walking back to my house  I bumped into someone.

I looked up.... Oh boy.... I regretted.

It was Russia

"Watch where you going Amerika." Russia said to me.

"Oh sorry Russia ... Haha clumsy me oh well... See you at school!" I said wanting to leave .

As I was about to leave Russia grabbed my wrist and pulled me in front of him.

"Amerika ... Do you remember what happened at the party two weeks ago?"

Shit he does remember...

"Oh yeah! What about it?"

"Did we.... Do it?"

I take a deep breath

" Yeah... We did ... Haha"

" Can we forget about what happened between us"

" Yeah... Of course"

"Good... Anyways what's that on your bag?"

" Oh... This! It's nothing!"

Russia quickly took the bag out of my hand and looked inside of it.

Oh boy you could of seen his face! He was in shock.

He took out the pregnancy test out of the bag and looked at me.

" Amerika.... What is this?!? Don't tell me...."


" Ok  then why you have pregnancy test Amerika then?"

" Oh... Um... Their for my Mom! "

" Hmm ok . Well I will see you at school then."

" Ok bye Russia"

I ran to my house and went to the bathroom to take the test

Honestly what Russia said about forgetting about what happened between us really hurt me.

But I guess it's for the best.

For now I'll have to worry about whether I'm pregnant or not

I hope their negative....

Wow I can't believe I'm writing this story.
This is my first longest chapter I did since 2020
Anyways I hope you enjoy 😁

973 words

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