Lister and Jimmy

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Lister: As I said, this is kind of hard to tell you.

Lister: That's why I wanted to text you instead.

Jimmy: This feels wierd.

Jimmy: We're literally right next to each other.

Jimmy: But if it makes you feel more comfortable, of course you should do it this way <3


Lister: Ok so the thing is

Lister: I'm going to rehab

Lister: for my drinking

Jimmy: But that's great!

Lister: But we'll be apart for so long

Lister: I'll miss you

Jimmy: I'll miss you too

Jimmy: But It's going to be worth it to get better. And I'll visit all the time.

Jimmy: I promise

Lister: I love you

Jimmy: I love you too. 

Limmy: We should stop texting, it feels wierd

Jimmy: If you're okay with that <3

Lister: Yeah<3

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