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I stood frozen in my place while staring at him. I knew that coming here was a mistake. I now realized that I couldn't say no to my parents' request but this was the only exception. After all these years I comprehended that I couldn't face him at all.

"Well? Are you going to inform me about the reason for your unexpected visit or you will just waste my time while standing immobile in my office, Mrs. Bredehoft?"

I could feel my teeth start to grind. The way he was addressing me with my married name there was an unmistakable sneer and insult in his voice. He was looking at me with those cold green eyes and he didn't even bother to hide the scorn he was feeling at the moment. I have to remember that this was not the same man I knew four years ago!

I cleared my throat while debating if I would push through this ridiculous meeting or if I should turn around and leave as soon as I can. I couldn't do it. I simply cannot. Maybe I would never be prepared to see him again after everything that happened in the past.

"If you don't have anything to say, after all, you may go." He gestured to the door behind me with his hand. "I hate people wasting my time. I have work to do."

I swallowed hard as I was about to abide by his suggestion and get the hell out of there but then I was about to do that I recalled my dad's sad face this morning. Even if, he claimed that he was okay with the idea of losing control of our company because of this man I knew deep inside he was broken-hearted seeing someone commanding the company my grandfather built. So I hardened my heart as I forced myself to look this man straight in the eyes.

I tightened the hold of my handbag as if it was my only lifeline. I defiantly raised my chin. "I-I came here to talk to you about my dad's company."

"Ah," Satisfaction fitted his green eyes. I watched him sit on his swivel chair and sat back comfortably in it. "I gather that much. What do you want to talk about it, Mrs. Bredehoft?"

My jaw clenched the way he was addressing me. I perceived by now that he was addressing me with my married name out of spite. He was rubbing it to my face at every opportunity he had. I have to remember that he was an almost different man. Well, technically, that's true because now he was one of the most powerful men in America. "I heard that you recently bought fifty-five percent stocks of my father's company."

His fingertips tapped on his glass table playfully while looking at me with a crooked smile in the corner of his mouth. "Yes. That's correct."

My eyes narrowed in his direction. "What are you planning? Do you plan on taking over my dad's company after the executive board meeting next month?"

He merely raised an eyebrow in my direction, there was a sardonic smile playing on his mouth. "Are you questioning my decision on buying shares from your father's company? Am I right?"

"Yes." I sighed deeply. I was aware of how my heart hammering so hard in my chest that I felt that he could also hear it. There was something that was nagging me since I learned that he bought shares from our company and I wanted to ask him about it. This might be the right time. "Don't tell me that the reason you are doing this is that you want revenge on me?"

"Not everything revolves around you, Mrs. Bredehoft." He scoffed, looking at me with bored eyes. "Don't assume things."

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" I snapped at him before I have the chance to stop myself and lost my composure altogether. "Don't address me with 'Mrs. Bredehoft' repeatedly I have a name in case you forgot!"

He feigned a look of surprise but deep down I knew that he was just faking his reaction. Sadly, I knew him too well. "My apologies, I thought you wanted to be addressed with your husband's name. Oh, yeah, I remember that he died six months ago you must still be grieving. I am sorry for your loss at such a young age you become a widow."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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