what do you mean "reddit"

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He didn't know how long Kamari took to run her tests, but it was long enough for Lucian to leave a few times for (presumably) bathroom breaks and one time a snack.

(That Kamari wasn't letting him eat, curse her)

He stayed as still as he could before Kamari finally finished, jotting things down on her computer.

"All done," she said, smiling.

Percy breathed a sigh of relief. "So what's going on?"

Kamari spoke for a moment, her face a mix between serious and lighthearted, so Percy assumed the news wasn't all that bad.

Lucian signed for him as she spoke, "There does seem to be something in your ears, but nothing of immediate concern."

Percy just stared. "Anything in my ears is of my immediate concern!"

Kamari chuckled. "What I mean is, nothing dangerous. You'd be surprised as to what all can get stuck in someone's ear. It appears to be just a large amount of wax, which I can get out simply enough with this."

She held up a large syringe shaped device filled with water. "If you'll be so kind as to hold this," she offered him a grey bowl shaped container, "then I will put this in your ear. It will flush out whatever is stuck. It's warm water, so it shouldn't cause much discomfort. But I need you to tell me right away if this is causing you any pain, because that would indicate something else is wrong."

Percy held the container to his ear and gave Kamari a playful salute.

All in all, the experience was a bit uncomfortable, but nothing he couldn't handle.

Kamari and Lucian remained professional throughout the whole thing, and he wisely chose not to look in the bucket.

Kamari threw the bucket away and began looking in his ears with a light.

It wasn't obvious right away, because no one was speaking, but a dull hum started in the back of Percy's head.

He grew annoyed, and rubbed the back of his head to try to make it go away, but stopped short.

Lucian looked at him in concern. "What is it?" He signed.

Percy, instead of replying, rubbed the back of his head harder.

He looked dumbstruck.

A light rumble came from beside him and he jumped to the side. Well, as best he could while sitting down on a hospital bed.

His eyes flit around the room nervously before drifting back to Kamari. She appeared to be saying something, but it sounded intelligible to him. Her words had a questioning tone to them.

With eyes still wide from shock, he turned to Lucian, who was looking at him with concerned eyes.

Slowly, he signed, "I can hear. I think?"

Lucian said something aloud, but again he couldn't make it out. He watched Kamari's face. It appeared confused but also a mix of happy surprise.

He waved to get Lucian's attention. "But I don't know what you're saying."

Lucian signed for Kamari, "So you can hear sounds, but you can't make out the words?"

He nodded.

Kamari hummed. She took another look in his ears before walking into the hallway, presumably to get someone's attention.

Multiple people walked into his room at once and he grimaced at the sound. He didn't like it. The lights were too bright too. He moved his hands off the sheets. They were disgustingly scratchy and weird feeling.

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