Chapter 8: I'd Do Anything

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"Okay Alex. I have looked at the results from your tests" the doctor begins as she walks into the office and looks towards Alex sitting on the bed.

"And?" Alex questions curiously.

"I'm clearing you to go back to work" the doctor says, causing a smile to grow on Alex's lips.

"Thank you" Alex says cheerfully as she jumps off the bed and grabs her jacket from the chair.

"Alex" she hears the doctor call as she reaches for the door handle, ready to leave. Alex, then looks back towards her.

"You lost your baby only a few days ago. Don't over do it" the doctor warns and Alex nods slowly.

"I won't," she advises before opening the door and walking out of the office, ready to head to work.


Spike walks out of the change room of headquarters and down the hall to see Eddie staring intensely at the vending machine. "Quite the standoff. You using intimidation tactics to make the food come out, or are you waiting for back-up before you go in?" Spike jokes, causing Eddie to smile as he turns to look at him.

"There he is," Wordy says as he comes around the corner carrying a bag. He then hands it over to Eddie, who now looked confused.

"There you go, buddy. All yours" Wordy smiles.

"What's this?" Eddie questions.

"I told you. It's the stuff from the girls for the baby. Keep whatever you like, I don't think we're going for number four" Wordy smiles as Eddie nods his head.

"You guys got a name yet?" Wordy then asks as Eddie pulls out pieces of clothes to look at.

"No," Eddie sighs, holding up a pink onesie.

"That's a nice color" Alex's voice says as they all look up and see Alex and Greg standing at the top of the stairs.

"Briefing room" Greg then advises before turning around and walking back down the hall. Alex smiles as Eddie nods his head and puts the clothes back in the bag.

"Okay, all right. Thanks" Eddie says, looking towards Wordy.

"Yeah" Wordy says quietly as they all walk up the stairs towards Alex.

"Welcome back, Beautiful" Spike smiles as he wraps his arm around Alex's back and pulls her in for a side hug.

"It's funny. I was gonna say the same thing" Wordy jokes and Alex places a hand over her heart as they all begin to walk down the hall.

"Awe. I feel loved" Alex smiles, causing them all to laugh as they approach the briefing room and Spike's arm falls from Alex as they see someone sitting at the table.

"You remember Detective Mary Danner from Financial Crimes" Greg's voice says loudly as Jules and Sam walk in behind them.

"Mary, good to see you again" Eddie says as the woman stands up from the table and sighs.

"No, it's not. I'm springing this on you guys last minute" Mary explains as the Team take their seats.

"We take it how it comes," Greg nods.

"I appreciate that. Okay. We've had our electronic eye on this man, Alexander Carson, for some time. Mr. Carson is a clearing house for stolen credit card information" Mary begins as she uses the remote for the projector and pushes a button, causing many photos to appear on the screen.

"He's got a network of skimmers in several cities. Five star restaurants, clothing boutiques...And his people only skim the cream, Big spenders on high limit cards. When they've loaded a device with information from dozens of cards, they return it to Carson's network who upload the information - card number, holder's name, expiry date, everything in the magnetic strip. Then they either run blank stock through a card encoder to create a clone card, or... more recently, Mr. Carson has been packaging -- bundling data from thousands of cards and then auctioning the packet to the highest bidder at illegal web auctions" Mary continues.

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