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Dear Nathan,

We finally met at the coffee house. You were occupied using your phone and not that interested to talk to me. It was as if you are doing it just to pass on your time. I couldn't expect more from you. You told me how you got married and than divorced. And how you always find me a good person to be friends with. You felt that things were not clear in between us and you treated me badly hence you wanted to meet me to apologise. Well for how many more things will you apologise Nathan? I did not said much. I knew you'll be this type of guy. But whatever has happened, has happened in past. I am ready to move on Nathan. I will leave tomorrow to visit my Fiancé and to stay with him till the time we are married. This is my last letter to you. I just want you to know that I truly appreciate you coming in my life and making me realise what I really want in life. Thank you Nathan.


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