Part 10

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I don't think I expected every single shift to be as chaotic as the first, but they have been.

Time flies - as soon as I clock in, Lorena throws me wherever she needs me. I end up with older people pretty often, because one of them told her my energy was 'calming'. That comment was a first - usually, people tell me my 'energy' reminds them of an energiser bunny.

"I don't like this," Lorena mutters, gazing around the emergency room.

Only two bays are busy, and both are relatively minor problems.

"Don't jinx it," Clarisse immediately hisses, elbowing Lorena. The former's eyes are so wide with panic that I can't hold in the laugh that escapes my lips.

"There's not even training scheduled for today," Lorena informs us glumly, resting her chin on her palm.

"Okay, now why didn't you say that," Clarisse groans, copying Lorena's stance and leaning against the desk.

I stay upright, straightening the top of my ladybug print scrubs.

"The hunt for a mate is off for today, Clarisse. The pretty men aren't training this afternoon," Lorena deadpans before rolling her eyes.

"Do you have any plans this evening, Marcy?" Clarisse asks me, ignoring Lorena.

"Sleep? Does that count?" I joke weakly, running a hand over my hair. Most of it is still contained in the bun I wrestled it into five hours ago, but my baby hairs are wild.

"No, it doesn't! You're gonna come out with us this evening," Clarisse declares, and Lorena snorts.

"Marcy, say no. If you go, you'll end up visiting the ER as a patient," she chuckles, shaking her head.

Clarisse shoots her a glare, "Marcy, we haven't had a chance to welcome you to the team. We celebrate every single person who joins us, and it isn't fair if we can't do it for you," Clarisse whines, folding her arms.

I scratch the back of my neck, my eyes darting between the two women.

It's been three weeks, but Clarisse still kind of scares me.

She's all big blonde hair and curves, and she somehow looks immaculate even after a major emergency. Beside her, I look like a Raggedy Ann doll.

"Okay, I'll go," I grin, making the decision quickly. If I'm with Clarisse, men will leave me alone - they'll be distracted by her, and I can enjoy myself.

"Good! You can have the job of asking Dr Martinique to join us," Clarisse declares, pointing towards the staff room.

Caleb spends a lot of his time locked in there, avoiding socialising with the nurses as much as he can.

Lorena likes him and says he's very fair, unlike some of the other doctors - he never barks, demands or asks them to do something he wouldn't do himself.

"Why can't you do it, Clarisse?" Lorena asks with a raised eyebrow, and Clarisse juts her chin out, widening her eyes at Lorena.

They have a silent conversation consisting of eye widening, brow raises, and hand gestures I don't understand until Lorena nods, turns to me, and points to the staff room.

"Go invite the doctor, Marcy," she says solemnly, stabbing her finger in the direction of the room again.

"Okay," I mutter, sliding out from behind the desk and walking towards the door. I glance over my shoulder and find the two women watching me eagerly. It looks like they have their fingers crossed.

I enter the room as quietly as possible, shutting the door behind me.

In the minute it takes me to do that, Clarisse and Lorena have slowly advanced towards the window of the staff room, and Clarisse practically has her nose pressed to the glass. I raise an eyebrow and lower the blind, waving goodbye to her as I do.

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