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lee's POV

"are you and kit connor dating?" james asks.

i know the answer to this. it's on the tip of my tongue. but for some reason, i'm scared to say it. i'm scared to admit that kit's my boyfriend. because this will change how people view me. and how people view kit.

i take a sharp breath in. but i've mastered how to hide by breathing while being recorded. so nobody can tell i'm nervous.

"yes." i say. and suddenly, a large weight is lifted off of my chest. "yes, kit and i are dating."

"that is all of our questions." james says. "but i still have a few questions of my own. if you don't mind i ask, that is."

i hate it when people do that. when that ask if i care. because i have to act like i don't, no matter what. or else i'll be seen as inconsiderate and rude. so of course i have to tell james that i'll answer his questions.

"how long have you two been together?" he asks.

i'm sure he's expecting me to say that we've been dating for months. and that we've been hiding it for that entire time. but we haven't.

"we became official a few hours before the picture of us kissing was leaked." i tell him. "so kit and i have only been together for a day."

"if you've only been together for one day, does that mean that was your guys first kiss?"

the cameraman walks over to me, shoving his camera in my face. i fight the urge to glare at him. because it'll look like i'm glaring at the viewers. which i'm not.

"yes." i admit. "our first kiss was definitely an intimate moment between kit and i that we wanted to keep private between just us two. but that privacy was taken from us both when someone posted the picture."

james blinks, not knowing what to say.

i hope i made him feel awkward so he'll end the show and let me leave. these couches aren't very comfortable and the dress i was forced into wearing is too tight. not to mention these heels. they're absolutely gorgeous. but i swear to god, if i have to wear these ever again, i will throw them at someone.

james clears his throat, "okay. one last question."

oh, thank fuck. just one more question and i can leave this hell hole. then, i'll be able to go back to the hotel and i sleep until morning. even though it's only noon.

ooh! maybe i can call kit and complain about all of this to him. maybe a group call with joe and yaz too? that would be great.

i really miss them.

"what happened to your ex-boyfriend?" james asks, making my breath hitch. "what was his name, again? nolan?"

my eyes widen and i can feel my heart pounding in my chest.

i guess i should have expected this question at some point. many of my fans loved mine and nolan's relationship. and they were devastated when i announced that we had broken up.

but it's been a year since then. i haven't talked to nolan or seen him. nobody has brought up the topic excpet for when i explained it to kit a few nights ago. and even then, i ended up bawling my eyes out onto his shoulder.

i can't cry onto anybody's shoulder now, though.

"i-" my voice is shaky. i force a smile and hope nobody noticed. "i don't understand the, uh- the question."

"are you and nolan still friends?" james asks, looking at me with a worried look on his face. "you two seemed quite close back then. you two would attend many interviews together."

yeah, because he forced me to let him come. but i can't say that.

"no. we're not friends. we're not." i say.

my mind is swirling.

memories of nolan are flooding my brain.

i want it to stop. i need it to stop.


"w-was that all? is that your last question?" i ask. i feel my hands start to tremble. to hide them, i shove them under my thighs. "can i go?"

i feel like i'm going to throw up. this is all too much.

"yes, miss stone. that is all." james says, clearly starting to understand that i'm uncomfortable. but i dont think he knows why. "it was a pleasure meeting you. thank you for your time. we all enjoyed hearing your honest answers to these questions."

james stands up and holds his hand out for me to shake. so i stand up too. but my legs feel wobbly like i'm going to fall. still, i shake his hand back.

the moment the cameraman lowers his camera, which signifies that the interview is offically over, miss manson comes out of nowhere and runs over to me. she quickly asks if i'm okay and i nod. but i dont really think i am okay. not really.

she grabs my shoulders and leads me out of the room. god, i feel nauseous.

☆ ★ ☆

sorry that the writing in this chapter is weird near the end. since it's in lee's POV and she's extremely stressed out, i felt that i needed to show how she was feeling. so i did. in the way she was narrating the story. which made the writing a bit choppy and repetitive. but that's because that's how your mind feels in a situation like this.

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