Chapter 2: The Confusion

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It had been two days since the first encounter with that beast and whenever he was in class I was beginning to find myself just staring at him and not concentrating. Last night I had a confusing dream, a wet dream with an older guy but not that old. I was so mad when I woke up but never showed it to my mom.

Right now he was reading some book of different short stories, on the story part of the book, ‘The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty' however I was not listening, I took out my phone and shoot three photos, put them in different folders, and thank God Cassie never noticed since she was busy listening. Three days and the coach was absent as well as the assistant and that was also frustrating me.

‘Bring! Bring! Bring!’
The alarm brought me back to reality and stood up to leave. “Mr. Winters a word please.” Professor Black called making my friends got strange looks of fear that he might cost me my scholarship for talking to him like I did on the first day.

Cassie reprimanded me during arts class before our lecturer arrived. I gave them my word I would apologize but I couldn’t since he insulted me more than once.

“Alone please.” He said making my friends and my girlfriend leave the room. I stood in front of his desk by the podium, measuring the space to escape if he tried getting physical.

‘physical? Yeah right’s my smart ass inner being said.

“Delete it.” His baritone washed over me as I resisted the urge to shiver.

“Huh?” I said dumbfounded.

“The photo delete it please, I don’t want to find myself in some website due to a stupid grudge of reprimanding you on being late.” He said piercing into my soul with his eyes. Damn how knew about it I’m still not sure. I took out my phone and showed him one of the three photos and deleted it.

“There.” I said.

“For someone whom lecturers praises I would like to think that they are just doing it to please your rich parents but….” He trailed off, “I’m sorry if I offended you when you came late, and please don’t take pictures of me again.”

“Won’t happen again sir, I’m sorry for being disrespectful. Can I go now my friend and my girlfriend are waiting and lunch time’s  moving I don’t wanna make them late.” I said avoiding eye contact even though I could feel his gaze on me. I was never the one to be shy but damn this guy was making me shy and I felt my face got hot a bit.

“Sure Aiden, a kid like you have a great future ahead of you if you don’t waste it due to unnecessary things.” I was about to shout at him for using that name but my stomach fluttered and they were butterflies in my stomach. I turned around and left the classroom. My face was hot and my face might been red. I went to the bathroom before the cafeteria and I found my friends and girlfriend already eating. I went get a slice of pizza and Soda with fries and apple on the side.

“So what did Mr. Black want?” Alicia asked.

“Nothing just clarifying that there is no grudge between him and I. And I apologized for the first day thing.” I explained.

“But baby, you were not wrong.” she defended. Why was she sitting with us again.

"He was wrong.” Cassie said.

“So it was your dumbass idea for him to apologize?” Okay Cassie was not being a dumbass neither giving me that advice was dumb.

“I may be a lot of things but dumb aren’t one of them, maybe that’s something I could say about you.” Alicia looked at me dramatically, she was angry. Oliver was hiding his face behind Luke trying not to laugh. Cassie was right in a way, all of them were here due to their families' wealth while I was on scholarship.

“You did not just say that to me, baby did you just hear her.” she was also good at guilty tripping people and I was to it by now.
“Guys please can we eat peacefully and I was passing by the vice chancellor's office and heard that we do have a new coach or is also a lecturer, and will be in tomorrow’s class.” Luke said. I raised my eyebrow at Cassie and she just sighed.

"I told him that I didn't want any special treatment from the beginning, that's why I don't know anything about this." she explained.

“Cool will give us time to warm up before first practice.” Oliver said trying to change the subject seeing that Cassie doesn't like talking about her parents' jobs while at school. Luke turn beet red at that while Cassie and I laughed at Oliver's innocent remark. We ate peacefully though Alicia and Cassie were glaring at each other sometimes. Why won't they be friends like normal human, what's like word they use to describe women in unity... Sorority. Yeah, that.

The rest of the day went so fast, it was Thursday and Alicia was planning on taking me on a date on weekend, that I declined for sometime now but Oliver advised me to go so that she could stop pestering me about how my friends can but she couldn't. I was raised by a man who believed in honor before reason, so when she offered to take me on a date I felt like she was just throwing it to my face that I took her to cheap places that she wasn't used to. I knew about her plans because she told me.

Some students stayed at the school residence while those who stay closer to home stayed home but to others it was a choice. When I got home aunt Martha, my mom wasn’t home, she left a message on the fridge that she was attending ladies meeting at her work place. I went to my room and lay down on my bed, my thoughts went back to Professor Black in the first day when he pinned me on the wall.

I began feeling hot and bothered as my pants tightened down there. ‘I need to get laid, stupid hormones messing with my mind.’ I thought as sleepiness took me over to dream land.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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