"A Party" #2 ⚠️

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Eventually, the plan was a-go. Everybody concluded that it was all perfect- and that it was all okay. Although, it was still stressful, considering Oj was on his way- and that he could be here any second. The second his soon-to-be arrival was announced by Knife and Trophy, everyone went ballistic trying to perfect it, and it was chaos. But eventually, everything was fine- and everyone was carefully hidden, whether it be behind objects or in closets, no one could be seen. As soon as everyone was hidden, paintbrush quickly turned off all the lights and then hid themselves. Now, all that was left was to wait patiently for Oj and Paper to arrive.


"Wow, Paper, that road trip was great, honestly.. we should do it again, sometime."
Paper was slowly walking back towards the hotel- with Oj.
The road trip was enjoyable, and it felt nice to hangout with Oj like that, since it doesn't happen very often, and it was the first time in a while Paper felt like he genuinely enjoyed himself.
He tried to stall any chance he got- to give the others some more time. Hopefully, everything went well. The walk back, even though Paper's mind was occupied with the party, was quite nice. It was around evening, and that just fufilled the vibe even more.
Oj was still going on about the road trip, but Paper couldn't pay attention. What if the planning went horribly wrong? What if putting them all in charge was a bad idea?
As they neared the hotel, Paper grew more anxious. Until he noticed all of the lights were turned off.
Time to put on some oscar-worthy acting.
"Oh... Looks like they went out. The lights are all off."
"Huh... maybe. But that's .. strange, usually they don't all go out. I mean, Test tube and Tissues? The only time I've seen them out of the Hotel was when they were in Inanimate Insanity."

Oj enjoyed the roadtrip- it was refreshing, to say the least. The time with Paper was genuinely fun- and he'd like to think that they could do it again sometime. That though made Oj feel a tiny-bit fluttery inside, for some unknown reason. But, no matter what pleasantries he thought about, the result was still the same.
They all forgot his birthday. Even Paper did, and that was the most upsetting. And they all must've gone to hang with eachother- every light in the Hotel was off. Even the ones in Test tube and Tissue's room- and they never go anywhere.
Oh well, there's always... next year, he thought.
"Yeah, but I mean, it's good that they're all spending time with eachother, right? I mean, it seems like some of them really bonded, lately." Paper replied. Paper was right though- it's not their fault they forgot- and they can spend time with eachother whenever they want, Oj shouldn't be the judge of that.
As they got closer to the hotel, Paper seemed a little strange.

Soon, they were at the doors of the Hotel Oj, and Paper twisted the doorknob on the outside, and quickly glanced around. Everything was dark, and there wasn't a sound. The only thing Paper could see was the glares of light on balloon-like things, and what looked like banners. Paper was surprised, in a good way. Yes! the planning must've been a success. He also noticed the door to the kitchen open- a good idea, really. Perfect for the food and drinks.

Oj was behind Paper, and then they both made their way inside. As they went in, Paper put his bag down quickly, and before Oj could press down on the lightswitch- Paper frantically yelled, "WAIT!"
Oj stood there for a moment, stopping in his tracks, and looking at Paper, a puzzled look appearing on his face.
"Paper, what on Earth-"
Suddenly, there was a blast of light and the sound of confetti poppers, and a lot of people shouting,

Oj didn't know what to say- he was truly in shock.
Not only had they remembered his birthday- they had set up a whole surprise party. It was - shocking, Oj was left completely speechless. He stood there in his place, looking around, only now noticing all of the decorations and the change in layout of the main room. Oj could only stare- all of this, for him?
"Uh- Oj? Did we like, break you or something?"
Nickel asked. Oj didn't know how to answer- because well, technically yes, he was right- he was in extreme shock at the moment.
"Oh no!! Please, don't say something like you don't celebrate your birthdays!" Mic was panicking already- due to the lack of response. But then Oj finally found some words to work with.
"Guys.. you all did this? Really- it's- it's amazing!"
And everyone smiled once more, before Paper started- "Guys! I knew I could trust you! You all did so well! Really, it all looks great."
Paper didn't know what it looked like?! They all did this themselves? They all worked together? Oj was truly amazed- he felt so lucky he had friends like these.

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