34. It Totally Worked

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Thursday afternoon, I sat on the wooden bleachers in the gym and listened as Mrs. King outlined the audition procedures. A panel of judges had been called in to watch us perform, including Brooke as captain of the squad and Mrs. King herself. Each girl would perform the cheers by herself, then all eight of us would perform the long dance as a group at the end of the auditions. Anyone who wanted to watch the auditions was welcome to sit in throughout the entire thing.

"Are you going to stay to watch everyone?" Agnes whispered. "I'm afraid it'll make me nervous if everyone else is like, crazy better than me, you know?"

I nodded, not taking my eyes off Mrs. King. My hand went to my throat where my mother's sapphire pendant was hidden underneath my t-shirt. I had spent a long time debating whether to wear the black diamond. It would pretty much guarantee me a spot on the squad, but at the same time, I would always know that I didn't earn it. Somehow, that didn't seem fair to Agnes and the other girls. I wanted to be a part of the team, but I wanted to really deserve it on my own merits.

Besides, I felt strange without my mother's pendant. It was probably just silly superstition, but I needed it.

Promise me you won't take it off.

A memory intruded on my thoughts. A boy's voice. Promise, he'd said.

"Harper Madison," Mrs. King said. I stood, my stomach filled with butterflies. "You're up."

I took in a deep breath and plastered a big smile across my face. I looked to Brooke for encouragement as I passed by the judges' table and she winked. I cleared my throat, threw my shoulders back, and jogged to the middle of the performance area.

The next hour passed by in a whirl of nerves and jittery excitement. I couldn't believe it! I'd done every single cheer perfectly! And when it came time for the dance, I knew I did my best. I kept my smile bright and tried to look confident. Basically, I nailed it.

"That was awesome," Brooke said once the tryouts were over and everyone filtered out of the gym. "What did I tell you about that diamond? It totally worked, right?"

"Yep," I said. I didn't want to tell her the truth. Let her think I was depending on their magic. I reached deep into my backpack and pulled out the blue velvet box. "Here. Thanks," I said. I bit my lip, wondering if I should just leave it at that.

"You are very welcome," she said.

I hesitated, then blurted out the question I'd been dying to ask her since I first realized what the black diamond had done for me. "How does it work? I mean, why does it work?"

Brooke smiled and looked around to make sure we were alone. "I can't really tell you," she said. "But if you make the squad, which I think you will, you'll be introduced to all kinds of things you never dreamed possible. Just you wait."

Excitement fluttered through me.

I'm counting on it.

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